This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Integrating FreeCache with Drupal

I had an interesting idea that might make a good Drupla module. FreeCache is free service at which will cache contant for free. It's kind of the poor man's
Akamai. What if there was a Drupal module to enable the munging of selected URL's on a Drupal site to be fetched through FreeCache, or some other caching service.

Navigation module bug when using i18n?


i'm seeing a problem with the navigation module when the i18n module is enabled. with either the block menu or tabs, if a parent menu item has a child, it doesn't expand as it should when you select it from the menu (for menu, source shows class=collapsed when it should be expanded). as soon as i disable the i18n module, the child items are displayed as they should be when a parent is selected. i'm using URL rewriting for i18n for translation of the interface and content.

Guestbook Module for drupal 4.4

Hello everybody,

I updated the guestbook module (refers to Now every user can have a individual guestbook. Download available under

Das Omega

Is there an alternative to drupal_set_message?

Is there a simple alternative to drupal_set_message for displaying information at the *top* of the current page? I don't want to modify the current 'status' box as it looks right for the admin pages, but taxonomy_config puts the section descriptions at the top of the taxonomy pages in a little bulleted 'Status' box.

Guestbook module

Hello everybody,

if you're interested in a guestbook-module for the current drupal release 4.4, here you can find one:

Das Omega

Problem Creating A Module


I want to make a really simple module that simply prints the mission onto the page. It is to be used as my home page. I had it working in version 4.3.x but after upgrading to 4.4.1 I just cant figure it out.

Here is the code:


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