This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

why logon block but no navigation?

I am building an external php script that interfaces with drupal. I am looking to maintain some of the drupal functionality - mainly the blocks from my theme. presently I am including & - I am looking to display the blocks (logon & navigation specifically)

I have a statement in my code: theme_blocks("all"); and a return; at the end of my script. If a user is not logged on it will display the logon block, but if a user is already logged in, it doesn't display anything.

Adding a Link to a Node?


I can add a link to a node, but the delimiters are getting messed up. I'm getting this:

» add new comment | MY LINK | | read more | administer

Which cant be right of course....

Here's what im using to do this:

function emailpage_link($type="node", $node=0, $main=0) {
$links[] = l(t('email this page'), "emailpage", array('title' => t('Send this page to a friend!'), 'class' => 'read-more'));
$links[]=menu("emailpage", t("email this page"), "emailpage_page", 0, 0);
return $links;

Help With Simple Module


I am going to write a module that instead of providing a block, as outlined here: will provide an extra link to a page where the 'comment' and 'administer' and 'read more' links appear.

It's an 'email this story' thingy.

So, my question is: Where/what/how on getting that link instead of a block?

Many thanks


action on node publication

What hook should I be using to take some action upon some extra database tables I've defined when a node/story/article is published to the site? I can't seem to find something completely appropriate in the documentation.



Uploading audio files with filestore?

I'm working on a Drupal site (v. 4.4 on an apache server), which I want to use for collaboration on music projects. I thought that by using Filestore I'd be able to specify what kind of file to use, and use the books module to discuss and revise work.

However, it doesn't seem to be able to upload. I set the MIME type to audio/mp3, is this the correct term to use? Is it possible to upload and download audio this way?

how to display theme_block externally?

I am building an external php script that interfaces with drupal. I am looking to maintain some of the drupal functionality - mainly the blocks from my theme. presently I am including only - this allows me some functionality (I can tell what user is logged on etc. but I would like to continue to display the navigation / logon block as well on my external script.


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