This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

My Fisrt Module

I am new to this drupal .I want to write a course module .I want to write some test modules before actually writing the module.I looked at documentation and found some
sample code to write a node module .I tried that but it did not work .I kept the following lines if code in a file called diary.module . I enabled the module in site configuration /modules .But I did not find any node on the website .I did not find any blocks .

why logon block but no navigation?

I am building an external php script that interfaces with drupal. I am looking to maintain some of the drupal functionality - mainly the blocks from my theme. presently I am including & - I am looking to display the blocks (logon & navigation specifically)

I have a statement in my code: theme_blocks("all"); and a return; at the end of my script. If a user is not logged on it will display the logon block, but if a user is already logged in, it doesn't display anything.

why logon block but no navigation?

I am building an external php script that interfaces with drupal. I am looking to maintain some of the drupal functionality - mainly the blocks from my theme. presently I am including & - I am looking to display the blocks (logon & navigation specifically)

I have a statement in my code: theme_blocks("all"); and a return; at the end of my script. If a user is not logged on it will display the logon block, but if a user is already logged in, it doesn't display anything.

Adding a Link to a Node?


I can add a link to a node, but the delimiters are getting messed up. I'm getting this:

» add new comment | MY LINK | | read more | administer

Which cant be right of course....

Here's what im using to do this:

function emailpage_link($type="node", $node=0, $main=0) {
$links[] = l(t('email this page'), "emailpage", array('title' => t('Send this page to a friend!'), 'class' => 'read-more'));
$links[]=menu("emailpage", t("email this page"), "emailpage_page", 0, 0);
return $links;

Help With Simple Module


I am going to write a module that instead of providing a block, as outlined here: will provide an extra link to a page where the 'comment' and 'administer' and 'read more' links appear.

It's an 'email this story' thingy.

So, my question is: Where/what/how on getting that link instead of a block?

Many thanks


action on node publication

What hook should I be using to take some action upon some extra database tables I've defined when a node/story/article is published to the site? I can't seem to find something completely appropriate in the documentation.




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