This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

module admin (preference) settings

I'm trying to figure out where a module's admin (preference) settings are stored. I was playing around with the image module, but could figure out where it stores the values. I can't find them in the database. Does Drupal write them to the module file itself? If not where do these values get stored?

So when I develop my own module and I have some preferences that needed changing, where should I have them stored for that specific module?


How to Submit a Module?

So, i couldnt find anything about how to submit a module, or what INSTALL/README type files were needed (and how to write them...)

Anyone tell me how?

You can get the module here:

It has no install, just copy to the modules dir in the usuall manner and then go enable it and adjust it's settings.


Dunno if this is the right place, but.. BBCode Mod help >.

Um, yeah, as I said, I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I downloaded, installed and enabled the BBCode mod, and it doesn't work. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Extending Drupal - good and bad practices

I am trying to setup a new site about languages and linguistics. I post on this forum to get the advice of people that have more experience in Drupal.

I have choosen Drupal because it is simple, has easy to understand code, is extensible, works with Postgres (though does not use its power) and looks good. There are things I do not like in Drupal, but maybe it is becase I do not understand things well (I am playing with it only a week now, and I do not have much spare time :-( for it)

In the case of my site Drupal is not a CMS only - it is going to be an interface to a linguistic database. I did not want my site to be a bunch of freeform nodes that display in a nice CMS. It is supposed to be a database of linguistic data that displays and gets modified as easily, as any other Drupal content, but is well structured and can be exported to an XML document that can be later converted to a book (PDF or OpenOffice doc for example) and downloaded by an interested user. I decided to write a separate module for each kind of data (classification node, part of speech description, thematic vocabulary, lesson, exercise etc - I am still thinking how it is supposed to be organised), that takes care of editing and displaying its content. This modules are node modules, so Drupal takes care of many things, like for example comments, promoting to main page etc. - but I had to trade the design of the database in exchange. I decided that each "piece of data" will be kept in node's body as an XML or PHP, teaser will be standard HTML. I do not want to modify existing Drupal code (though simetimes I would like to do it :-) ) in order to be able to upgrade in the future, but I had to do some minor changes - like displaying teaser on the edit form. I miss access restrictions on the node level.

foreach() problem in jsmenu

"Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in .../drupal/modules/taxonomy_jsmenu.module on line 51"

Can anybody tell me what this means?
I have some taxonomies set up and when I enable the taxonomy_jsmenu module I get this message. at the top of the screen, and no menu blocks are created. Does anybody know what I'm not doing? This module seems to have worked for everybody else!

line 51 reads foreach ($tree as $term) {

My Fisrt Module

I am new to this drupal .I want to write a course module .I want to write some test modules before actually writing the module.I looked at documentation and found some
sample code to write a node module .I tried that but it did not work .I kept the following lines if code in a file called diary.module . I enabled the module in site configuration /modules .But I did not find any node on the website .I did not find any blocks .


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