This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Single sign on module

I noticed the "Single sign on" module currently in development at and I was wondering if anyone has used it. I am currently creating a network of drupal-based sites that all use the same user database and would love to be able to only have to sign in once to get to everything. Has anyone used this? I didn't find anything on it in the search.

Module Proposal: Object-Relational Mapper

Hello all,

Would there be significant community interest in an object-relational mapper module? Such a module would have the following basic features:

Data Abstraction: XML code would define the mapping between form elements, nested data structures and database fields. It would also be where entity 'finders' would be defined (specifying WHERE, ORDER, LIMIT clauses and parameters here). Adding a new database field to your module would involve altering the the database table and adding a line of XML. The new field would henceforth be available to your module code (data, form element, load/save/update/delete would 'magically' accommodate the new field).

Standard Tools: If defaults are acceptable, then all tools for displaying entities (nodes), listing entities, load, save, update and delete will be provided by this module. Module authors would only need to call the appropriate function or method.

Enhanced Performance: With the data abstraction layer, it becomes possible to do caching behind the scenes. Entities could be created using lazy materialization, where the module would only get the value from the db when it's actually requested (otherwise, name and primary key reside as place-holders).

Nested Data Structures: Other types of entities could be aggregated or composed by an entity. Finders would be used to relate the two types. Properties in the XML file would define the level of recursion to limit the query to for self-referencing entities.

porting zen-cart to drupal


Has anyone considered porting an ecommerce project to drupal. I looked at zen-cart, which looks promising to me as a shopping module.

Can someone please tell me if any such work been done before and how to go about it. Your help in this matter will be much appreciated.



I've been searching the theme files and module files for an hour now, and even after making a ton of changes, I cant seem to figure out how to change the format of the link when it's displayed on the from page.

Right now, it's displayed like this:

Link Titie
Submitted by nolagay on Wed, 12/24/2003 - 7:09pm. Taxonomy Category

Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text.

� add new comment | administer | tell a friend | return to Taxonomy Category | visit Link Title (2)

I would like it to display like this:

Link Titie
Submitted by nolagay on Wed, 12/24/2003 - 7:09pm. Taxonomy Category

Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. Link body text. (Visit Link (2))

� add new comment | administer | tell a friend

Notice there are no more redundant "return to" links after the body, and the link to the site has been moved to directly after the body/preview text.

Any ideas? I've been racking my brain out. I've tried things like this, in weblink.module:

// produce link

A question about mailing...


I was wondering if drupal had built-in functions for sending e-mails, or if I should just use the php mail() function?


_form hook idea



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