I am looking for a way to:
1. display static content in the main viewing window in the form of an HTML/Table that I can create using my Web page editing program without the Date/time/author stamp.
2. display a link to that content in the nav bar (dynamically or manually)
I am trying out Drupal for use on a corporate web site. The web site is geared toward service related sales, and hense the content I need to display is not dynamic. It is a predesigned sales piece. I would be looking to to this without the additional functionality of a CMS, but my client desires the security of a good user database. They also need the functionality of a "latest news" section.
The difficulty comes in where it seems that Drupal can accomodate my need to create static html and display it, but it doesn't link on the nav bar and it also lists the author and date created at the top. I want the display of the static content which is linked to from the nav bar to be listed without any publishing (date/time/author) information as it is a sales piece directed at the visitors.
these sections that I want to display are predesigned tables that I will fit to the size of the viewport. Initially I was attempting to modify a pre-exsisting module for this type of use as it appears that the modules should be able to accomodate my needs, however I am a designer, and only have a rudimentary grasp on PHP. Because of this I have been unable to create a hacked version of a module to acomodate my needs..