This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Node Multiform?

I'm wondering if anyone here can give an overview of "Node Multiform" that's gone into CVS in the past few days. I understand that [JonBob] has been working on this one, and many people are quite excited about it. What does it do and how can I use it for my own module development?

It might help me answer the questions I have at:

Apparently, there is also a configurable node module as well?


Module Developer Needed

Calling Freelance Module Developers!

I have a module I need built. On one hand, I think its pretty straight forward and ties in well with Drupal's existing infrastructure but on the other hand, I am a business guy and what do I know! The project is too small to warrant bringing on another staff member at our shop and my guys don't have the bandwidth to do it so I am looking for some freelance help. Our team has estimated the project will take between 12 and 16 man days.

How do I get my module/theme listed...

Q: How do I get my module/theme listed on

A: To get your code added as a project to, send an mail to Include your username, and the folder
your code resides in the CVS repository.

Only projects that respect the repository rules, and have working code or a
stable release will added.

Need help with two forms in one module

Okay, I've dug myself deep into a hole and need some guidance to get myself out.

I'm still developing a module that is similar to the "Book" module, but has a different organization of its nodes. The module is called "Fiction". It's for people submitting chapters to a fictional story that they've written. The book module is not sufficient because it lacks inherent numbering (weights don't serve as a good substitute for a 60+ chapter story) and it permits other people to submit modifications to the story (which should not be allowed). In addition, there are some user interface elements that I want changed.

1) A user creates a "Fiction" type of node, which contains a summary of the fiction. The fiction form has a title, a summary, and taxonomy organization. The data is stored in a node.
2) Users add "chapters" to this fiction, which are similar to book pages. They also have titles, and a body, containing a chapter (of a novel, let's say). They are also stored in a typical node. However, they can not be promoted to the front page (any votes for the chapter promote the "Fiction" top-level node instead). The "chapter" also does not store taxonomy information and is not listed individually. Users may not add chapters beneath other chapters. In addition, only the author gets to add or edit fiction chapters.

There is also a database called "fiction" to list the chapter for each fiction (for an explicit ordering) and the "parent" fiction node.

How to use FORM_MAIL.module

I want to display a "contact us" form using the form_mail.module. can someone please post a content sameple that could be inserted as a PHP static page?

Pretty please with sugar on top?

Thank you,


Customize fields in Story module and/or

Is it possible to have subtitles, leads and other separated pieces of text in a story? I mean as separated form fields.

It would be useful to have the ability of creating new customized fields in the very official Story module. This would help a lot the diversity of Drupal sites, creating own node structures and styles for all these pieces. It would also be an open door to do more segmented searches i.e. "Barcelona" only in the location field or "strawberry" in the image footer.


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