This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

A news module with photos?

I need a news module that;
- will show the thumbnail of agraphic and the news' summary in the homepage of my drupal site,
- will have a fixed number of category support (i.e. news, announcements etc.),
- will show the full size graphic and the full text of the news when clicked on the "Read more..." link.
Is there a module that fits my needs written for drupal.
Thank you all.

userhome.module: "clean" user paths/homepages

I'm working on userhome, a module that would allow /~username or /username paths to show a per-user homepage. The module needs to be set as the "default front page", so that it doesn't have to maintain a separate alias table.

If this has already been implemented elsewhere, please let me know so I don't reinvent things.

As planned (and mostly working now), userhome.module would relay such paths to an admin-defined node (or render a custom page, as things may yet turn out) as the user's homepage. Currently I've set the default node to blog. It will also work for things like /~username/guestbook, /username/image and so on.

I was wondering: is there a common hook/function for modules that returns their user-specific content? So far, I've seen some modules with *_page_user, but this doesn't seem to be a global convention.

If not, I'd like to suggest a future hook such as *_user_block that simply returns the main HTML code for that module's user-specific content, with no headers or footers.

The first parameter to this hook would be the uid, and the rest would be passed as-is from the remainder of the path. Modules would need to make sure there are default values for any extra parameters -- for instance, guestbook.module doesn't seem to set its default $limit set (at least in the latest version I saw).

What do you think? I'll clean up/finish the code and link to it here, and/or upload to CVS once my account is approved. ;)

GeoURL support?

GeoURL is a way of adding location information to pages/blogs/etc.

I'm thinking of building a module that allows you to tag any node with relevant GeoURL information (this gets added as meta-tags) as well as the "what's close to this item?" link, which leads to a GeoURL requesting items that are close to the physical location of that post.

A few new modules

Hi all,

I have a few modules that I've made that I would like people to try out, and give me some feedback. Also, I would like to know if anyone knows how to get a link in the contributed modules section of the site, as well as a project page. Anyway, here are the links to the files with some descriptions:

1) wallpaper - A module that lets people upload wallpaper images that they have created/found for others to view/download. It features automatic thumbnail creation through the GD libraries, attaching descriptions to the wallpapers that are uploaded, resolution detection (not too smart at the moment), and other features. Great for people who run art-oriented sites.

2) TEC - Tom's E-Commerce is a system to let you turn your drupal site into a simple e-commerce site complete with inventory control, product images, PayPal checkout, linked items, multiple currencies and many other features. It comes with three blocks as well as the module. One for new items added to the site, one for the shopping cart, and one for a custom navigation menu for getting to your products, and all products can be categorized through the taxonomy section.

3) cafepress block - A block to display random cafe-press items with links to buy them, see a list of other products that you offer, and let users sell their own products using you as a referrer (which means you make more money). Easy setup with no command-line usage needed makes this a simple, great add-on to any site!

A question...

Hi all,

I submitted a new project (thought the create content->project link(s)), and it created a "website" for me that worked just fine. It now, however, shows a blank page when I go there. The site that it gave me was here. Does anyone see anything when they go there, or is it blank for you guys as well? If it is blank, does anyone know why? Does anyone know how I can get it back, or should I just create a new one? I'm a bit confused to say the least.

Dynamic menus moudule?

Hey, im currently using Menus.module for the menu to my site, however i really dont like how it has to refresh the site each time, im thinking of trying to make it a javascript to make a more dynamic menu, is there a module out for this already, and if not how hard would it be to create one?


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