I have an idea for a block modification that I think others might find useful. The best way for me to describe it is via a description of what I would like to see. Here goes:
My web host allows me to configure up to X mailboxes associated with my domain name. I want to assign these mailboxes to a subset of my site's registered users (e.g., username@mydomain.com, where "username" is the same as the user's registered name on my website --BTW, I expect to manually create these email accounts using the webhost email admin tools). I then want to allow these select users to access my webhost's webmail login page from a link within the navigation block (preferrably directly above the "administer" link).
I don't wan't anything fancy like auto-login; I just want the user to be taken:
(a) to a static page with a frame that displays the webmail login form. Or,
(b) directly to the webmail login page.
So far, I have created a special role for individuals that I want to assign a username@mydomain.com email to. However, I don't know where to start to implement the desired changes to the Navigation block, or creation of the associated static page/frameset, and linking it to the Navigation block code (Perhaps because I am an absolute newbie, with no business even thinking about these kinds of changes).
So, what do you all think? Does this functionality exist somewhere already? If not, how difficult is it to implement, and where should I start? Thx,