This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Module Descriptions Online Somewhere?

I hope this isn't a dumb question, but is there a place that lists the module descriptions without having to download it, uncompress it, and check the README file?

url of installed modules and xtemplate

[not to sure if this should be a generic feature request, posting here first to get your opinion]

i like the xtemplate theme a lot, especially the easy of making new menu's via the admin interface. the only downside is, that one doest know the location (read: uri) of a new installed module.

normally this module will auto appear in the menu with a fixed name but with the right url. now with xtemplate one has to add the module url manullay in the menu but the admin doest know the exact url. the way i solve it is to switch to another theme, see/copy the url and switch back to the xtemplate theme and add the url in the menu.

my question is, is there a smarter way of doing this?

if not, i think the default url of the module should be included in a (standard) install file. adding something like:

URL for module xyz for users:

would be nice if this url would be somewhere in the help file of the module, so wen enabeling the module by the admin, he/she can copy the url as well.

hints? any thoughts?

Calendar/Event/Work Scheduler

I've found a calendar. But I need a little more than this... I've got hundreds of volunteers. I want my site to have the ability for these volunteers to signup to volunteer for an event on a specific day or days.

For instance, userA views calendar, chooses event and signs up. Then as that event approaches, I can have a list of volunteers. Would be nice of the scheduler could also send a reminder email to them in advance of the event--1 day, 7 days, 10 days, etc.

Does this mod exist? Anyone interested in writing it quickly for a couple of cases of good beer?

How to add a node?

I want to add menus to drupal, so i need to create additional nodes ( i think, like with ?q=contact or something like this ) ... Can someone please point me to the right direction ?

Changes to taxonomy_dhtml - please commit to CVS


I found two problems with taxonomy_dhtml module, and fixed them.

Can someone with permission please commit these to CVS?

Problem 1: the module is not $db_prefix aware.

Fix: Add curly braces around the table names in the query.

Problem 2: the "id=" tag generated, caused stylesheet conflict, because the first item was called "menu".
Fix: Change the item to be "menu_", so it will not clash with the stylesheet.

Here is the diff of the changes.

File is : taxonomy_dhtml.module

<     $js .= "initializeMenu(\"menu$n\", \"actuator$n\");\n";
>     $js .= "initializeMenu(\"menu_$n\", \"actuator$n\");\n";
<     $result = db_query_range("SELECT tid, name FROM term_data WHERE vid = '". $vocabulary->vid. "'", 0, 3);
>     $result = db_query_range("SELECT tid, name FROM {term_data} WHERE vid = '". $vocabulary->vid. "'", 0, 3);
<     $result = db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.type, u.uid, FROM term_node r LEFT JOIN node n ON r.nid = n.nid LEFT JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE n.status = '1' AND r.tid = '$term->tid' ORDER BY n.changed DESC", 0, 50);
>     $result = db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.type, u.uid, FROM {term_node} r LEFT JOIN {node} n ON r.nid = n.nid LEFT JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE n.status = '1' AND r.tid = '$term->tid' ORDER BY n.changed DESC", 0, 50);

Custom Blocks in cvs?

I just tried the latest cvs. If I try to make a custom block, it gives me the standard language that I can create a custom block here, but the actual form information is simply the standard placement of existing blocks. If I try it with an updated version of a 4.2 dataset, it recognizes that a custom block exists, but it refuses to let me edit it.

Did I catch this particular item in midstream?


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