This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Calendar/Event/Work Scheduler

I've found a calendar. But I need a little more than this... I've got hundreds of volunteers. I want my site to have the ability for these volunteers to signup to volunteer for an event on a specific day or days.

For instance, userA views calendar, chooses event and signs up. Then as that event approaches, I can have a list of volunteers. Would be nice of the scheduler could also send a reminder email to them in advance of the event--1 day, 7 days, 10 days, etc.

Does this mod exist? Anyone interested in writing it quickly for a couple of cases of good beer?

How to add a node?

I want to add menus to drupal, so i need to create additional nodes ( i think, like with ?q=contact or something like this ) ... Can someone please point me to the right direction ?

Changes to taxonomy_dhtml - please commit to CVS


I found two problems with taxonomy_dhtml module, and fixed them.

Can someone with permission please commit these to CVS?

Problem 1: the module is not $db_prefix aware.

Fix: Add curly braces around the table names in the query.

Problem 2: the "id=" tag generated, caused stylesheet conflict, because the first item was called "menu".
Fix: Change the item to be "menu_", so it will not clash with the stylesheet.

Here is the diff of the changes.

File is : taxonomy_dhtml.module

<     $js .= "initializeMenu(\"menu$n\", \"actuator$n\");\n";
>     $js .= "initializeMenu(\"menu_$n\", \"actuator$n\");\n";
<     $result = db_query_range("SELECT tid, name FROM term_data WHERE vid = '". $vocabulary->vid. "'", 0, 3);
>     $result = db_query_range("SELECT tid, name FROM {term_data} WHERE vid = '". $vocabulary->vid. "'", 0, 3);
<     $result = db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.type, u.uid, FROM term_node r LEFT JOIN node n ON r.nid = n.nid LEFT JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE n.status = '1' AND r.tid = '$term->tid' ORDER BY n.changed DESC", 0, 50);
>     $result = db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.type, u.uid, FROM {term_node} r LEFT JOIN {node} n ON r.nid = n.nid LEFT JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE n.status = '1' AND r.tid = '$term->tid' ORDER BY n.changed DESC", 0, 50);

Custom Blocks in cvs?

I just tried the latest cvs. If I try to make a custom block, it gives me the standard language that I can create a custom block here, but the actual form information is simply the standard placement of existing blocks. If I try it with an updated version of a 4.2 dataset, it recognizes that a custom block exists, but it refuses to let me edit it.

Did I catch this particular item in midstream?

Legal - Terms & Conditions Module

I've just committed a new module to the CVS called 'Legal', which displays your Terms & Conditions to users who want to register on your site, and makes sure they accept the T&C before their registration is accepted.

At the moment you have to copy and paste the the text of your T&C into the module file itself, but I'm planning to do this through the Admin->Site Configuration page in future.

Module to send e-mail to node author

Hi all,
I'm considering writing a modulke that adds a 'mail the author' link, so that a form appears and mail is sent via SMTP without knowing his e-mail address.
I'm looking at privatemsg.module, which is very nice, but adds too many functions.
In my idea, you receive mail with your e-mail client, but your privacy is safe.
Is anyone working on something similar ??



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