This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Anti-Swearing Module

I've been working on a content filter module to remove swearing from posts..

I've pretty much copied the urlfilter module provided. It doesn't work. I can enable my module, but text is still not filtered.. I don't think drupal is actually calling the function?!


When I've got this bit working, I'll add a database table full of swearwords to check against... one step at a time eh?!

Here is the module:

shopping cart module?

Just wondering if anyone has developed or started developing a shopping cart / catalog module. I'm new to drupal and just trying to wrap my head around the module development process. Before I get my hands dirty, I was wondering if there's anything comparable out there.

My hack of image.module

I quite like image.module. An excellent tool for creating collaborative galleries.

You can see the results at Click on "photo gallery" in the Navigation links. You'll notice that import.module is the front page and has been hacked even more significantly. That's another story I don't want to get into.

Here's what I did:

  • The big hack is: the image displayed in a node view is resized if it is larger (in either dimension) than a "resize" variable. The node-view image links to the original image and vice-versa. e.g., if I upload a 1024x768 image and the resize variable is set to 640, the image will be displayed in the node at 640x480 and will link to a page which displays the original image at it's full size. This full sized page links back to the node view.
  • Preview seemed to be broken, so I fixed it. I also hacked it up a bit so that the preview looks more or less like it actually will in the gallery. (See first bullet.) The big difference is that in preview, the image displayed in the node links just to the temp image instead of to a page. There's no link back from the temp image, so navigation is a bit of a problem in preview. Can't think of a good way around this, so I'll leave it for now.
  • Added submission guidelines variable so I could explain the navigation problem in preview. Also added a variable for the path to the resized images.
  • I have personal galleries disabled, but I noticed that the link to personal galleries is still available from "view use information" when disabled, so I hacked it a bit so this links to all the photos a user has uploaded into the regular galleries. This doesn't work quite right, but I think it's a neat idea.
  • I didn't like the lack of link borders around images, so I made them visible.

Updating archive.module

Hello lads/lasses,

Just to let you know that I'm currently modifying the archive.module to meet my custom requirements.

The user story involved is that of a business user extracting a time-span of nodes (eg this week's, this month's, x to y etc) and presenting it in a streamlined presentation (no boxes etc) which can then be saved and emailed out to people (and later automated of course with _cron! Only local images are allowed. )

My first iteration will involve modifying archive_page to allow for more form-input, including the ability to hide the form itself. Something along the lines of:

I'm also going to restrict the node types to stories only.

Let me know what you think!

modules should be classes?

Just a generic thought for the future, I'm reading the docco on module development, and while the hooks are fine I guess would a better solution be for all modules to extend a base "Module" class (abstract) that defines the interfacel.

Then perhaps you could variable variables to dynamically name classes to call methods, something like


Drupal Architecture Diagram?

Hi guys,

Just wondering if there is a Drupal architecture diagram(s) - I think some nice diagrams would help understanding how everything fits together.

I'm thinking class diagram, rendering pipeline (sequence diagram?) ER diagram for the database etc.

Always good to keep a systems documentation up to date Only local images are allowed.



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