This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Events Module

I was about to start trying to develop an Events module when I found one already started. Only local images are allowed. Now, there are a couple items that I'd like to ask about:

  1. Is there any way to delete images?
  2. Will this have a link to the Images Module, someday?
  3. Are there any plans to add other type of events?

Let me explain better what I mean in #3. I'm working on a family website, and one of the goals in my list, is to be able to see and plan all kind of events on-line. So, what I meant about by other type of events, is, more fexibility on the dates.


Family Reunions - One specific date


Birthdays - Once a year, always same date.

Anniversaries - Same as BDays

Vacation Planning - Range of dates

Family reunions - All sort of weird date math:

  • Go see grandpa every month, on the 12th.

  • Cousins outing, every other week, on Sat.

  • Call mom, long distance, every 10 days.

  • etc. etc.

I'll try to start looking to see if I can help with any of this, some dates are easy, some are not as easy. Besides, I'm totally new to Drupal, I've been only using it for 2 weeks.
Hey, 2 weeks and I already have my site up and running, and mostly translated!! Only local images are allowed.

Thanks for reading!

PD: I tried using the -triple dash- delimiter, but didn't work Only local images are allowed.

Please help me write a quiz module

Would you help me write the code?

I am a newbie to Drupal and I would like to wirte a quiz module that would allow users to create interactive multiple choice flashcard style quizzes.

I know how to do it in html, however as I am very busy at work I don't have the time to learn everything from scratch. I am looking for a developer to team up with me to write the code.

Here is what would be required in the input form



Text Area to input tab-delimited text or ...

Two Step Data Entry in custom node.

I'm creating a new module and need some help on the module_form() hook.

Here's what I'm trying to achieve:
1. User clicks on "create new vocabulary list"

2. User is presented with a text entry field and asked to enter the number of vocabulary words are in the list.

3. User clicks a "continue" button.

4. User is presented with 'n' text entry fields for their vocabulary words. (where 'n' is the number they entered on the previous screen).

5. The user fills this field out and things continue as with any other node.

Here's what I've done so far (in psuedo code):
if ( I know the number of words){
display form for textfield
else if ( this is an update ) {
create the form based on the number
of records in the database.
else {
Create form using number of words
entered on the first screen.

Here's the problem:
- The first form displays with a "preview" button. Adding an "add" button (form_submit("Add")) makes it confusing and returns a thank you for your submission page.

Here's what I thought of while typing this question up:
1. Create a new function module_request_wordcount() calling form(), form_textfield() and form_submit(), where the action is op=add&type=modulename&wordcount=$n.
2. Modify the module_link()
if ($type == "menu.create" && user_access("post content")) somehow points to the new function.

Is this a good way to handle this problem? Is there a better way? What should the modify module_link() code look like? I don't really understand how those arrays are used.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
- Joe

whoops!! I broke it...

Well, I was modifying a copy of the archive module so only the days with stuff posted on them would be linked.

Now I get this at the top fo the pages, and sometimes stuff will show up, usually nothing, but not the right theme in any event: MVU - archive.module

Wiki module

I wrote a wiki module for version 3.0 (it was working but still needed some more development) and am wondering if it is worth updating it to 4.1 I stoped development mainly because I dont have a wesite to host a site on and because I found that drupal was still a little primative so I thought I might wait for further development before continuing. I would like to know if anyone else would like a wiki module. Also there are basically 2 options, either create a new node type (this is what I did basing it off the colaborative book) or create a filter type module (similar to smilies etc) and I would like to know if anyone has any preferences.

New recommendation module

Promotion for the recommendation module.

Purpose: Let users get recommendations as to which nodes they may find interesting, based on their ratings. The module follows the spirit of Collaborative Filtering (to cope with information overload). Try it out

Download @


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