This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

Warning: Bug in Acquia Dev Desktop Control Panel

I've encountered an error (and so has another Drupal developer) when updating to the current version of Acquia's Dev Desktop Control Panel (1.2.40) for Mac OSX.

Upgrading from a previous version to the current version can destroy the Apache configuration settings needed to direct your web browser to the appropriate directory on your local computer. As a result, any existing Drupal installations that you created on your laptop will break. Instead of going to the intended website, you will be directed to the empty Drupal site that Dev Desktop creates upon installation.

Drupal SOPA blackout module

Hi folks,

I hacked up a module that will wait until January 18th and blackout your Drupal site for the day:

It was developed for, and tested on, a Drupal 6 site although it may work on Drupal 7 as well.


Drupal 7 Themes site: 2012-01-13 Theme updates

Three new themes this time: Theme updates

  • designer_relief
  • livethemer_base
  • summertime

There were also some updates to the following themes:

  • alpine
  • bigdaddy
  • kanji
  • om


Новый PDF журнал о Drupal на русском | New magazine about Drupal in Russian

Друзья! Наша инициативная группа рада объявить о выходе в свет нового, открытого, русскоязычного электронного журнала - Drup’n’Roll!
На его страницах вы сможете найти много полезной информации для разработчиков и администраторов сайтов и прочих веб-приложений, созданных на базе нашей любимой CMF Drupal.

Predictions for 2012

January. After the fireworks have stopped, distant relations have gone home and the last champagne bottle has been found. After all that, it is time for those other two traditions that we Drupalistas have.

First, come up with the predictions for the year ahead for Drupal, be it for the code, the community or the license. And the second tradition, draft this post a little late.

So this last tradition has been been fulfilled by this posting. Now it is up to you to come up with the predictions for 2012.

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