This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

Drupal 7.10 released

Drupal 7.10, a maintenance release with numerous bug fixes (no security fixes) is now available for download. Several major bugs, including one causing errors with the 5.x branch of Drush, have been fixed this release. See the Drupal 7.10 release notes for a full listing.

Upgrading your existing Drupal 7 sites is strongly recommended. There are no new features in these releases. For more information about the Drupal 7.x release series, consult the Drupal 7.0 release announcement.

Drupal 7 Themes site now with 199 themes

After it's been pointed out to me that I was missing many themes, I realized that I had a bug in my logic and had only enabled themes that were not actively maintained.

I corrected that and now there are now 199 enabled themes available on the Drupal 7 themes site. Read about it here: 2011-12-04 Theme updates or just visit the site:



Drupal 7 Themes site now running Drupal 7.9

Well, the subject says it all. I finally got around to upgrading the Drupal to version 7.9 on the themes website.



Drupal7 Themes update

The Drupal7 themes site has been updated.

Both "The Morning After" and "Earthish" have received upgrades and even a new theme appeared: "SuperClean"



DrupalCon Denver Scholarship Deadline is Tomorrow and Sprint Lead Applications Now Being Accepted

DrupalCon Denver is just 5 months away. While the organizing team is committed to keeping the event affordable - with a low ticket price of $350 and affordable hotel options - there are even lower cost options for some members of the Drupal community.

What is Octopus video? (Drupal distribution for social video)

You can have a look and try it out the distribution by below links.

Official site :
Demo site :


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