My third Drupal related book has just been published by Packt Publishing, entitled "Drupal 7 Social Networking", so I thought I'd post it on this forum for those who are interested. I'm very grateful for the feedback received on the previous version for Drupal 6, and feedback on this version is of course most welcome. Please feel free to contact me on my personal email ( with any questions.
Packt, the publishers, have kindly provided a discount code for anyone from here who purchases the book, to receive 20% off: Drupal7Social20.
For those of you who don't know, Packt also donate a percentage of sales from their Drupal books to Drupal.
About the Book
Drupal 7 Social Networking provides careful instructions and clear explanations to take you through the setup and management of your social network site, covering topics from users, to marketing, to maintenance. It will help you create your own social networking site, suitable for whatever audience you choose!
Starting from the very basics of both Drupal and Social Networking, right through to more complicated aspects, you will progressively learn how to add to and expand your social networking site and add more features. You will learn how to secure your social network, deploy it on the Internet, and keep it running and well maintained. As social networking sites rely on the participation of their users, this book helps you to structure your site in such a way so that users can easily and enjoyably contribute, thus creating a powerful social network.
A complete walkthrough for creating, developing, growing, and maintaining a Social Networking website using Drupal 7.