This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

Read only CVS is going away: grab your sandboxes or forever hold your pserver

Ahoy, friends!

After moved to git much of the code was moved from cvs to git. However there are sections which are only available in cvs such as sandboxes and the contributions/scripts directory.

The read only access to CVS will go away soon

You can still get access to that old content by following these instructions: CVS: Dealing with legacy CVS 'sandboxes'.

Stop subscribing, start following

It is with great excitement that I can announce "subscribe" comments on issues are now dead! Long live issue following! Issue e-mail notifications are also improved.

Almost exactly 6 years after #34496: [meta] Add Flag module to allow users to subscribe/unsubscribe without posting a comment was originally posted, this feature is finally done and deployed on If you notice any problems, please go to #1306554: QA for issue following on and comment there.

Summary of changes

In the past, you had to comment on an issue in order to keep track of it, commonly done by posting "subscribe" (or variations thereof). Popular issues gained plenty of such comments, making it hard for contributors to distill the important and useful information in an issue.

You are now able to "follow" issues by clicking a button, without commenting on them. You can also "unfollow" issues, even ones you had to comment on but you are not really interested in. Lastly, you can now configure for which projects and issues you want to get e-mail notifications.


First, I'd like to thank the sponsors that made this possible:

Drupal Community logo
The 88 members of the community that contributed to the 2 chip-ins to raise a total of $2777.27 towards the original goal of $7,000.

Zemanta Module now available for Drupal 7

Some of our users will probably say “Finally!”, and we agree! Falter not, come fall, we are excited to now support Drupal 7! Applause is in order (or not…). As of last week, the new Drupal 7 is out in the wild and you are invited to download your own copy.

Get your new module for Drupal 7 here:

There are a few things you should keep an eye on:

How YOU (yes, you!) can help make awesome is our home. It's where we solve tough problems, it's where we innovate on creative solutions, and it's where we meet and interact with others in our community. It only makes sense then that our community should be able to actively participate in making improvements happen on, but the process to do so has traditionally been seen as a bit confusing and opaque.

This post attempts to outline the process of making changes to, and highlight some recent successes we've had putting this process into practice. This information is compiled from the Make awesome guide!

Step 1: Think it up

Druplicon with a thought bubble Have a great new idea for improving Great! Search first, to see if someone else has already had your amazing idea and maybe started work on it. If not, begin by creating an issue in the webmasters issue queue to discuss, unless you happen to know the appropriate issue queue for it.

Docs Team 3rd Quarter 2011 update

Hello from Jennifer and Ariane, your friendly Drupal Documentation Team co-leads! It’s time for a quarterly update on what’s happening in the Documentation Team—we've been working on some major restructuring of documentation and the Docs Team since our last update (June 28, 2011), and we'd like to get you up to date on our plans, and other events and news.

Docs restructuring

The big news for this quarter is that we are in the midst of some restructuring of the online Drupal documentation, as well as of the Documentation Team itself. Nothing has been completely settled yet, but here is an outline of our plans, reasoning, and links to more information and where you can get involved in the discussion.

Community documentation

The main issue we need to resolve is that the current online documentation on is way too overwhelming for one coordinator to manage. Having one coordinator is a single point of failure, and has led to several past Docs Team leaders getting burned out and leaving the post.

[Module:Swekey] Login secured with hardware token now available from smartphone

This is a great news for admins who secure their login with the Swekey hardware token.

The swekey module was upgraded and your are now able to login securely from a smartphone too !

The module is compatible with both 6.x and 7.x versions.

You can download it at




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