This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

New book: Drupal 7 Fields/CCK Beginner's Guide

About the book

The Field module is a new core module in Drupal 7, and is the next generation of the legendary Drupal 6 CCK (Content Construction Kit) module. The CCK was a developer's best friend, used on any Drupal project of any size. Now, the Field module builds on the strength of the CCK module, bringing new features to Drupal 7.

The Field module allows custom data fields to be attached to Drupal entities (content nodes, users, taxonomy vocabularies, and so on) and takes care of storing, loading, editing, and rendering field data.

In Drupal 7, you can create content types and you can add fields to any content type. You can rearrange the order in which fields are displayed and you can specify the label position and format of the field. Unlike in earlier versions, you do not need to download a separate module to add fields to a content type.

Wouldn't you like to know more about how to use this important and interesting feature?

Drupal 7 Fields/CCK Beginner's Guide helps you to get started quickly and to get beyond the basics to take full advantage of the fields system. It covers the key features of Drupal 7 fields that will help you get your Drupal 7 website up and running with a step-by-step approach to building a Drupal 7 website with the new fields system.

Nominations for Directors of the Drupal Association

The Drupal Association is seeking nine candidates for its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors establishes policy, hires and manages an executive director, reviews and approves the budget and financial reports, and participates in fundraising. For more details on the organizational structure see earlier posts.

Strategic priorities for the Drupal Association include: implementing its new bylaws and organizational structure, starting leading and participating in standing committees, pursuing transparency through active communication, achieving operational efficiency, promotion, and expanding assistance to organizers of community events and activities.

The board usually meets at least twice per month. Directors must be prepared to commit at least 15 hours per month to the Board and related activities.

Four Board meetings per year are held in-person and directors are expected to travel to these. Board meetings will coincide with DrupalCons when possible. Director positions are not paid, and directors should expect to pay their own expenses in most instances.

We are looking for a diverse board and will consider the following factors when selecting candidates:

  • Geographic diversity

Drupal Workshop in Lebanon


We, Information Technology in Lebanon, are organizing a Drupal Workshop for 2 days in Lebanon on Monday July 25 and Tuesday July 26 . We would like to contact people who lives in Lebanon to participate to this event. We can find a list on:

but I don't know how to send them a mail or event an invitation to invite them to this event.

More info about this event could be found on:

NEW alphabetization Modules to DOWNLOAD : abCparti

After 2 years of development, we release the flash code + modules + Drupal custum install.

abcparti is a learning online application, for research and organization of informations. It could help a learner to be more familiar or develop his competencies in writing, communication, collaboration and reading, using a simplified and ludic approach.

abCparti est une application en ligne d'apprentissage de la recherche et de l'organisation d'informations sur Internet. Elle permet de se familiariser avec l'écriture, la communication, la collaboration et la lecture par une approche simplifiée, ludique et propre à l'Internet.

Le Ministère des Services gouvernementaux du Québec a financé, en 2009-2010, la grande majorité des coûts pour le développement de l'application Web dans le cadre du programme APSI : Appui au Passage à la société de l'information. Les partenaires de ce projet sont L'ABC des Hauts Plateaux, Alpha Bellechasse, le GAMN, Apprendre autrement.

Two-factor authentication with Duo Security

Fellow Drupalers,

We just released our Duo Drupal module yesterday!

For those of you that haven't used our two-factor authentication before, Duo enables convenient and secure two-factor authentication for web sites, VPNs, Unix servers, WordPress blogs, and now: Drupal! Duo's Drupal module adds a second line of defense to your Drupal login credentials – your mobile phone! You and your users will be able to log in to your Drupal-powered site with ease and with confidence that their account is secure.

Check out our project page on, our source code on GitHub, and our Duo Drupal documentation that will get you up and running with two-factor auth on your Drupal-powered site in under 10 minutes.

Drupal 7.4 released

Drupal 7.3, a maintenance release which fixes security vulnerabilities is now available for download.

Drupal 7.4 also fixes other issues reported through the bug tracking system.

Upgrading your existing Drupal 7 sites is strongly recommended. There are no new features in these releases. For more information about the Drupal 7.x release series, consult the Drupal 7.0 release announcement.


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