This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

Community Input Sought for DrupalCon North America 2013

One of the main activities of the Drupal Association (aside from keeping the lights on here at is to produce each DrupalCon, an international event that brings together the people who use, develop, design, and support the Drupal platform. Every DrupalCon features dozens of curated sessions and panels from some of the most influential people and brightest minds within the Drupal community and beyond, as well as countless opportunities for networking, code sprints, informal conversations, and more.

While we’re very excited about the upcoming DrupalCons in London in August (do you have your tickets yet?) and Denver next March, we’re already thinking ahead about where the 2013 North American DrupalCon should be. And, we’d like your help!

Please take the straw poll to tell us where you would (and would not) like DrupalCon to be held:

Or, if you’re part of a team that would like to get more involved and organize a DrupalCon in a specific location, please submit your team’s interest via our nomination form on the Association site.

CRM page

I have set up a CRM page - please contribute!

Report from the University of Minnesota Drupal Usability Testing

From May 17 - 19, 2011, in advance of DrupalCamp Twin Cities, several Drupal community members met at the University of Minnesota usability lab in Minneapolis to perform a round of formal usability testing on Drupal 7. This is the fourth major usability testing for Drupal, and the first targeting the new Drupal 7 release.

People who were familiar with building websites (but not with Drupal) were observed while they worked through a number of site building tasks. This report contains a summary of the results.


The good news is that most of the changes that were put in Drupal 7 tested well. Compared to Drupal 6, Drupal 7 no longer confuses new users with basic conceptual hurdles like where the front-end vs. back-end of their site is and how to create an "About us" page, and for the most part the administrative interface is clear.

new "Web Services Client" module

for those interested in Web Services,
this new client basically works out-of-the-box. really easy UI and also works hand-in-hand with the Rules module.
strongly recommended.

Here Come the DrupalCon London Keynote Speakers

drupalcon london

We are proud to announce DrupalCon London's keynote speakers: Tom Standage, The Web Standardistas and, of course, Dries Buytaert.

Dries Buytaert

driesDries Buytaert, Drupal Project Lead and President of the Drupal Association, will kick-off the conference with his State of Drupal keynote presentation on Tuesday, 23rd August.

Dries Buytaert will discuss where Drupal is and where it is going. In particular, he’ll discuss the future of Drupal 8 and give an update on the core initiatives that were set-up since the last DrupalCon.

Dries Buytaert is the original creator and project lead for the Drupal open source Web publishing platform or “the reason there is a DrupalCon in the first place”. In addition, he is also the co-founder and CTO of Acquia, a company that offers hosting, technical support, and services for the Drupal platform, and the co-founder of Mollom, a web service that helps identify content quality and stop website spam.

New Drupal book : Drupal 7 Themes

drupal 7 themes

The third installment in Packt's Drupal Theming series is now available. In celebration, Packt is offering a 20% discount on the title -- just enter the discount code Drupal7Themes20 (case sensitive), to the shopping cart. As with all of Packt’s Drupal books, Packt will be donating a percentage of its sales to the Drupal Foundation.


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