This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

Drupalcon Denver 2012 Call for Speakers

Drupalcon Denver 2012 header

Denver, CO is hosting the next North American DrupalCon happening on March 19-23, 2012 at the massive, well-appointed Colorado Convention Center. The worldwide Drupal Community is what makes DrupalCon so fun and exciting, and Colorado's community is thrilled to be the home of "Drupal Elevated" -- tickets go on sale soon, so be sure to follow us on twitter and we'll tell you what's going on, @drupalcondenver.

DrupalCon is a world-class conference with a world-wide audience. If you or your organization actively use Drupal, or even if you never have but want to learn, DrupalCon is your chance to engage the community, learn from others, and share your experiences.

DrupalCon Denver is now accepting session submissions -- go to to submit your idea today! If you want to present in Denver, now is the time to start thinking about what this year's theme, "Collaborative Publishing for Every Device," means to you, and we're accepting sessions in the following tracks:

  • Site building
  • Coding and development
  • Design and user experience
  • Drupal community
  • Business and strategy
  • Mobile
  • Commerce
  • Nonprofit, Government and Education

Core office hours

Note, April 2012: For information and updates on core office hours, see the handbook page on Core contribution mentoring.

Drupal core needs more eyes and more contributors to decrease the very high amount of unresolved issues.

We hold core "office hours" each week in #drupal on freenode.

Why office hours?

There are currently a large number of unresolved issues in the core queue, and we want to get more organised dealing with the backlog, and encourage new people to help out.

Current numbers:

State of Drupal 2011 survey

The last time I organized a State of Drupal survey was in 2008. The results of the 2008 survey were instrumental in shaping Drupal 7 as well as directing the work of the Drupal Association on

Now three years later, I created a new survey. The results of this survey will guide thousands of people in the Drupal community over the next two years.

Take the State of Drupal 2011 survey now.

Announcing Do It With Drupal 2011

The 2011 Do It With Drupal conference will be October 12th, 13th, & 14th in Brooklyn, NY. Curated by Lullabot, the event features many in-demand speakers such as Jeffrey Zeldman (A List Apart), Josh Clark (author of "Tapworthy"), Karen McGrane (UX guru), Jeff Robbins (Lullabot CEO/podcast host), Jonathan Stark (jQTouch/"Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript"), Jen Simmons (Bartik theme/Queen of HTML5), Earl Miles (Views/Panels), Ryan Szrama (Ubercart/Drupal Commerce), Angie Byron (Drupal 7 lead), Karen Stevenson (CCK/Calendar/Date), Jeff Eaton (Voting API, your favorite novelty modules), Nate Haug (Webform, Imagefield), Addison Berry (, and many others.

In addition to the the "Drupal onramp" content which DIWD is known for, this year will feature a track entitled "Drupal for the Future" focusing on enabling Drupal to power evolving web technologies such as mobile, IPTV, and Internet-enabled devices. The web is quickly changing, and Drupal's flexible, modular nature makes it the perfect tool to power evolving Internet technologies.

New MA/MSc: reaching out to Drupal community

We've created a new MA/MSc at Goldsmiths in London which brings together coders and non-coders in a new approach to Creating Social Media.

The MA is designed as a collaborative crash-course in hacktivism, and has a strong focus on building stuff. We see Drupal as one of the core technologies.

Drupal 7.7 released

Drupal 7.5, a maintenance release which fixes security vulnerabilities is now available for download. Drupal 7.6 7.7 also fixes other issues reported through the bug tracking system.

Note: Drupal 7.7 is just Drupal 7.6 with a fixed VERSION string (7.6 was reporting itself as 7.5). No other changes.

Upgrading your existing Drupal 7 sites is strongly recommended. There are no new features in these releases. For more information about the Drupal 7.x release series, consult the Drupal 7.0 release announcement.


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