This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

Best Drupal based Projects

We just posted our take on the two best Drupal Based projects that are available. You can read the full article on CMS Critic here: Best Drupal based Projects

OpenSource Survey - help us with our bachelor thesis!

Hello everyone!

We are three students working on our bachelor thesis about opensource software. It would be a tremendous help if you could spare 2 minutes of your time and answer this short survey:

Thank you in advance!

Submit Your Session Proposals for DrupalCon London 2011!

drupalcon londonThere are 9 days left to submit your session proposal for DrupalCon London 2011, which will be held August 22-26, 2011 at the Fairfield Halls in South London. This is your chance to share your knowledge and experiences with DrupalCon attendees. Deadline for session submissions is 15th May, 2011 at 11:59 GMT+1.

New Module "Term Delete Replace"

Hey everyone,

I've just released my first D7 module called "Term Delete Replace". I would love to get some feedback of the code as well as it's functionality and the whole idea of what it does. For more information and details please check out it's sandbox page at

/ Thanks!

Google announces Summer of Code results for 2011 - Drupal gets 20 projects!!

Google Summer of Code 2011 banner

We are thrilled to announce that Google will be sponsoring 20 Drupal projects for Summer of Code 2011. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Google, who are investing over $110,000 in the Drupal project.


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