Umami: Drupal demonstration installation profile

Last updated on
15 September 2023

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The Umami installation profile is for demo purposes only.

Umami is an example food magazine website to demonstrate some of the features of Drupal core. It is intended to be used as a demo site, and not suitable as a foundation for building your own site. It is part of the Drupal core ideas Out of The Box initiative.

How to install Umami?

The Umami can be installed from the Choose profile step when you install Drupal by selecting the Demo: Umami Food Magazine (Experimental) profile or use the profile name demo_umami if installing using drush site-install.

Select Umami Profile

Why is Umami just for demo use?

The Umami feature set will change and improve over time as new features are added to Drupal, and there is no promise of backward compatibility. Later Drupal versions may make changes that are still compatible with your existing install, but even then the latest content and configuration changes will not take effect until you reinstall. We may also make changes that break your current install, such as modify content types and theme code built around that or introduce dynamic editable layouts instead of hardcoding them in the theme. Changes like that will break your existing Drupal demo install.

Feel free to tinker around with the demo, create and modify views, edit fields, add pages. Nothing is locked down. Umami is a fully functioning demo of Drupal with several core features demonstrated, so you can explore by modifying bits and pieces.

What to do when you are ready to build your Drupal website

Once you've tried Drupal using Umami and want to build your own site, simply reinstall Drupal selecting the Minimal or Standard profiles from the install screen. You will then be able to upgrade to future versions of Drupal at will since those two profiles maintain backward compatibility.

We are a Drupal agency and want to use Umami to sell Drupal

Yay! We wish you great success.

While Drupal core itself is very capable, it is natural that you may want to add certain contributed modules or customize the demo in other ways. Unfortunately, Drupal core does not support inheritance in install profiles yet. However, using that patch, you can build your derivative install profile which expands Umami and adds your desired elements. We are eager to see profiles expanding Umami contributed to

Thank you for installing Umami. We hope you like it!

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