After deleting all my files under sites all and replacing them with the backup folder through a ftp client my home page shows "page not found", and the one pages that were views are gone. I also can't delete the views plugin and the main menu, that is still visible on the pages without views contain only menu entries for pages without views. This is how the main page looks like: and this ist how one of the functioning pages look like: . Most of my website was made out of views and the main page, too contained 3 views.
Please help!


Herzeloyde’s picture

I already checked the permissions. Administrator (me) is allowed to do anything. Nothing happened though. Both modules "Views" and "Views Ui" are checked. After unchecking "Views Ui" in the modules list and refreshing the list, "Views" check thingie stays gray, so that I can't uncheck "Views".

Jaypan’s picture

Have you got an .htaccess file in your webroot?

Herzeloyde’s picture

Yes, I found .htaccess in the drupal directory! Do I have to delete it or to modify it in some way?

Herzeloyde’s picture

I just started reuploading the complete site again when all of a sudden my page started running again. I stopped the upload and left it as it is. Now everything is visible! :D