hi there!
I´m trying to get some content posted inside the slider block. It´s added ok, but I´ve got problems when I try to add some HTL stuff like *a* or *div* tags.
The content won´t be printed out. I mean it will be printed until the tag appears.
For example:
If I got this inside my body:
Sed tincidunt aliquam pharetra. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi erat ipsum, volutpat quis fermentum a, vestibulum in nibh. <a href="somewhere">Morbi dignissim</a> sodales massa et interdum. Proin nibh elit, ultricies vel dignissim non, tincidunt eget dui. Nam sodales, nibh ut auctor scelerisque, leo dui sagittis tortor, ut rutrum nulla ipsum eu eros.
It will be printed:
Sed tincidunt aliquam pharetra. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi erat ipsum, volutpat quis fermentum a, vestibulum in nibh.

And it will not work with special node-my_nodetype.tpl.php either.
If I add inside that TPL this:

<h3><?php print check_plain($node->title) ?></h3>
<?php print $node->content['field_link'][0]['view'] ?>
<br><?php print $node->content['body']['#value'] ?>

It just won´t print the field called link ( print $node->content['field_link'][0]['view'] )
(all other stuff it is printed although).

Any ideas? I´m completely lost here, cannot figure out why won´t work.



Rosamunda’s picture

any ideas?

Rosamunda’s picture

Category: support » bug

After testing some more this module, I change this to bug report because I think that not accepting html shouldn´t be the normal behaviour...