If a member wants to email a node to someone, the refferal link if clicked links one to the homepage instead of the original page which the member is referring. How can this be fixed?


srlawr’s picture

For the record I have this problem too, and am looking into it myself as well. Will post back any findings!

To confirm, as I see it:

The user completes a "forward" form to send a page to a friend, this module modifies the forwarded link to something like: referral/746579ac/node/37251 - and so, when the receiver clicks on it, they are (typically) sent to the registration page, which completes a referral, but then, they are forwarded to the home page, and not the originally intended node?!

Even if the receiving user is an already signed up and authenticated user, they are still just sent to the site home page instead of the intended node.

I can see how this is a very complicated case. It's gotta be resolvable though, the info is there!

IWasBornToWin’s picture

It's probably going wherever you have the redirect set in the referral settings. I'm able to get it to work by leaving that blank and using a custom link like this;


If you're using the forward link (which still doesn't work for me) see - http://drupal.org/node/1437760

However, this only works for logged in users or members already signed up. If they're not logged in they will land on the node after logging in.

I'm still not sure how to get a non registered user to a specific node after registering. But that is not a referral issue. Although they claim it's supposed to happend natrually with Drupal, it doesn't. See here - http://drupal.org/node/183296

To summarize - it appears we have two different issues - 1. getting unregistered users to a destination after they register. 2. Ensuring [if they are unregistered] the referring user gets credited with the new referral.

My custom link takes care of #2 and also gets [already registered users] to the destination.

#1 is still not solved with this link. I think I've seen modules that will redirect them though. I need to look around.

srlawr’s picture

Is this actually what I have just encountered and patched here over in the forward module??

#1547252: Patch: Integration with User Referral module.

My "forward" page submission was just returning to the home page, and not actually sending any e-mails! took a while to notice, but I have just dug up and fixed what I think may be an integration bug between these two modules...

Demoshane’s picture

Can confirm this. Same problem.