Timefield is a Field API field for storing simple non-timezone time values, with an optional end time, utilizing a simple JQuery timepicker widget for input. Normally, you will want to use a Date field for all date/time values; however, this field is for use when you don't want to implement a Date field or have time values that are not dependent on the Gregorian Calendar, i.e., when Year,
Month granularity is irrelevant.

If you have repeating events that occur regularly on a weekly basis and wish to provide a simple way to display and store this logic, this field may provide the functionality you seek.

There are 3 storage options:
1. Single Time Value
2. Start Time - End Time
3. Start Time (optional End Time), Weekday Repeat

There are a few display options as well:
1. List Display
2. Duration Display (for times with End Time)
3. Table Display (for weekly repeat options)

Currently, this module supports rudimentary views integration.

Sample field output for Timefield

Date Module is awesome, huge, and complete. The Date Module (and it's children, Date API, Date Repeat API, etc.) provide a way to store specific date instances, dates that are inextricably linked to the Gregorian calendar. However, sometimes you have a very basic event, class, or other occurrence that has no relation to a year, or month. In these cases you do not need the complexity of complete date handling, you just need a way to store and display a more basic logic of an occurence like "Mondays at 8PM" or "Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 6PM-8PM".

Supporting organizations: 
providing Drupal 9 support for Timefield module

Project information
