Provides a Views access control plugin checking if the user can perform an operation on an entity by adding an appropriate entity parameter upconverter for Drupal 8 routes.


  • Create a page view
  • For the path, ensure there is an entity type parameter. The parameter is usually the machine name of the entity type in the location of the ID.
    For example:
    • user/9/my_comments = user/%user/my_comments
    • node/23/related = node/%node/related
  • Set Access plugin to 'Entity Operation'
  • Set Access options:
    • Parameter name: the name used in place of the entity ID. For '%user', set to 'user' etc
    • Entity type: the entity type to match to the entity ID.
    • Operation to check: view, edit, update, delete, other etc. Will check whether the current user has permission to execute this operation on the entity in the path.


1.x branch is no longer supported, 2.x is a drop in replacement for 1.x.

Supporting organizations: 
Maintenance time

Project information
