Extend the structure of the site by way of content models, data storage, field types, and navigation, so it is more understandable to users.

Group context: Path prefix

This module extends the group module. Once enabled, every group can be assigned a URL path prefix.

❤️ Valentine ❤️

❤️ Valentine ❤️

Happy Valentine's Day!

Celebrating Valentine's Day in the series "The Big Bang Theory"

The module provides functionality for sending valentines to other site users.


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.
Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.

Hierarchical Select Ajax

This module aims to enhance how users choose taxonomy terms, especially when dealing with large sets of terms.

Jotform Field Widget

This module provides a field widget for selecting a Jotform Form Id.


Use civicrm_postcode_lookup extension in Drupal webforms





Typeform Field

This module provides a simple Typeform "ID" field to allow form embed. The field formatter allows customization of header/footer and opacity.


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