Working with files in Drupal 6

The upload core functionality allows users to upload files to the site. The ability to upload files to a site is important for members of a community who want to share work. It is also useful to administrators who want to keep uploaded files connected to a node or page.

Throttle: congestion control

The throttle module provides a congestion control throttling mechanism for automatically detecting a surge in incoming traffic. If the site gets linked to by a popular website, or otherwise comes under a "Denial of Service" (DoS) attack, your webserver might become overwhelmed. This mechanism is utilized by other modules to automatically optimize their performance by temporarily disabling CPU-intensive functionality.

Interwiki: wiki syntax for linking

The interwiki module is the way to create links to the many wiki webs on the world wide web. Users avoid pasting in entire URLs, as they would for regular web pages, and instead use a shorthand similar to links within the same wiki. The types of interwiki links allowed in a wiki are defined by an InterMap.

Listhandler: connect mailing lists to forums

The Listhandler module allows you to connect mailing lists to forums and vice versa.

It works in conjunction with the Mailhandler module. Mailhandler receives an email and then asks Listhandler if the received email is part of a list. If the email is from a mailing list associated with a forum on your site then Listhandler adds the received email to the forum.

Mailhandler: content via mail

For an overview of the Mailhandler project, a list of features, differences between the major branches, and basic setup instructions, please refer to the Mailhandler project page. The following documentation provides tutorials and other supplemental information.

Documentation should be clearly marked as to which major branch (1.x, 2.x) of Mailhandler it applies to.

Node import: get CSV content (6.x)

The node import module enables importing of nodes of any type into your site using comma separated values format (CSV). One possible use is with contact manager to import lists of contacts. Users want to be able to import content from other systems into their site.

Node import accepts a CSV file or a TSV (tab separated text file) as input. CSV files can be generated using spreadsheet programs. Your CSV file must contain field names in its first row. These field names can be anything; except when using raw data import type. Third party modules are able to potentially add additional import types, e.g. the now defunct contact_manager.

(In order to import list values one has to separate the values inside the contents of the CSV files by the pipe symbol (that is the '|' character). Very useful for importing multi-value Taxonomies too.)

Data can be imported into the following node types:

  • Page
  • Story
  • Event
  • Flexinode
  • CCK Node Types

You can

  • read about the function that reads CSV files called fgetcsv.
  • import nodes at Administer >> Content managment >> Import content.


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