Upgrading Drupal 6 to Drupal 8

Hi, I'm a bit of a noobie and I can't find any guides that have been able to successfully migrate my Drupal 6 website to Drupal 8. Are there no step-by-step tutorials or even videos that walk you through this? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Locked Out Of Old Account, Cannot Receive New Password

Hi Guys,

I have been given the task of updating an existing website created with drupal, but I am having no luck gaining access.

I have updated the password in phpmyadmin then changing the database settings in user in order to have a new password sent to me via the *mydomain*/user page and 'request new password tab', but receive the error 'Unable to send e-mail. Please contact the site administrator if the problem persists.'.

Below that error it says 'Further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.' but I receive nothing.

User uid always 0

Hello world,

In my Drupal Website I need to know if a user is connected or not. To do that I look in the global $user variable.
However, the $user variable always behave like no user is connected...

Here is my code :

require_once '/home/www/emtp/includes/bootstrap.inc';
global $user;

And here is the result, even if I am connected with admin user or any user of the database !

Environmental Law Institute (ELI) Website Redesign

The Client

The Environmental Law Institute (ELI) is a nonprofit organization based out of Washington, DC that seeks to make the “law work for people, places, and the planet.” The ELI is committed to working with individuals, local communities, implementers of the law, and world leaders to educate and help develop well-informed, implemental environmental policies that benefit the community, the world, and the environment. They’ve been doing this internationally in a non-partisan capacity since 1969.

Legal Industry

Upgrading a drupal 6 module to drupal 7

I'm working with a client that had a custom module built for them using Drupal 6 and they are considering an upgrade to Drupal 7. That module, which is the main functionality of their site, does not have test associated with it. Would you think it wise to upgrade the module the Drupal 7, given that I don't have these tests and would not be able to know if every piece of functionality is working after the conversion? Also, the original developer can't be reached, so that's out of the question.

Thanks much!

How to deal with database data when debugging a local site

I'm working on a client's Drupal site and I'll be downloading it to my computer to debug it. I'll be importing a copy of the database with their data, and am wondering if I should do something with this. On the one hand, I could just delete all the info in the tables, but it may take quite a bit of time to add some dummy data, especially in the case of foreign keys, etc.

Is it standard practice to keep the client's data on my computer to use for debugging or is there some other process for this?

Thanks much for all your help!


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