Prevent detecting on which version of Drupal web site is running

I developed Chrome extension that is fingerprinting Drupal websites.

If you going to secure exact version of Drupal engine
then use free extension

If the version is determined then you neew to hide everything that can let extension know the version and hide it.
I will be very appreciated if you can leave your feedback.

Communitat Valenciana - A top touristic portal for a top touristic destination

We designed, developed and maintained the tourism website of Comunitat Valenciana that was considered in 2015 as the best tourism portal in terms of interactivity and mobility.

Generalitat Valenciana is the Regional Government for the Valencia Region, one of the most touristic regions in Spain, which includes spots such as Benidorm, Alicante or Valencia.

Travel and Hospitality

D6 Screwed up updating Drupal core

I have an old D6 site I was trying to prepare for migrating to a new server and screwed up updating Drupal core. There were a couple updates pending, so I was trying to do those before migrating. The server is running Ubuntu. I was having trouble finding update instructions for core on D6 so I put the site in test mode, downloaded drupal-6.38.tar.gz, and expanded it in sites/all/modules. Once I did this I cannot access the site and keep getting an error as follows:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function filter_xss_bad_protocol() in /var/ ... /includes/ on line 999

Cannot enable any wysiwyg editor

Hi, I have a website on Drupal 6.35 and I'm issuing a strange problem.

Last time I changed some text I was using normally tinyMCE, now all I can see is plain text.

In WYSIWYG profiles I can see that both tinyMCE 3.5.8 and openWYSIWYG 1.4.7 are installed but if I choose one of them from the dropdown of Filtered HTML, Full HTML or PHP Code and Save it will return to at No editor...

Any ideas whay may cause the problem?
Is there any way to force tinyMCE selection from somewhere? From the database maybe?

Thanks in advance.

Can still see users in " SEARCH" even after deleting them

Greetings Drupal gurus,

This is pertaining to the site made in Drupal 6.34.

I would be migrating the site to some other CMS. Before I actually migrate the site I wanted to delete spam users from the existing site.

I therefore asked my programmer to make a deleting page which shows the following details.

1. Name 2.E-mail 3.Active/ Inactive users 4.IP Address 5.Created date 6. Last access

Drupal 6

I am trying to copy an old site across to a new server. I have successfully copied it across but every time I click on a link it takes me to the wamp page where the whole site sits. Why does it do this? I can't even type in user or admin/settings as these all take me to the wamp page.


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