Drupal 6 admin pages very slow [solved]

The symptoms

Yes, I know it is an old version. But I recently found that a number of my Drupal 6 websites would take a long time to load various Admin screens, and on occassion, would timeout past the allocated 30 seconds. In particular, displaying the Theme and Modules pages, and clearing the cache, seemed to cause the longest delays. Other sites did not seem to be affected, and displayed the necessary admin pages in under 5 seconds.

Google Analytics Reports 6.x

This documentation is for the Drupal 6 of Google Analytics Reports. For Drupal 7, click here.

Problem with editing menu in Drupal 6

Hello! I have problem with editing menu in Drupal 6. The menu (primary menu) has 297 elements. Functions like disable/enable and expand/reduce items don't work after saving changes today. Thanks in advance for help.

Frozen DB - Cannot make any changes to site!

We have community website, with the following specs running on Drupal. For some time we have not been able to update the site. It simply does not make the requested changes in the DB.

Can anyone please enlighten me how do I check the DB and how to I fix this?

How to modify contents of e-commerce module?

I do a lot of PHP but I know little about Drupal. I have a client (using Drupal 6.28) who wants me to modify the contents of the "enter your credit card info" form within this module. I have done global searches for a *file* with these credit card fields on them, but no matching file exists. So I'm 99% sure that the CC form is being constructed from the database. I don't need (and really don't have time) to find and modify those contents the correct/true Drupal DB-driven way, etc. What I need to do is this:

how to upgrade hostmaster-6.x-2.5 to hostmaster-7.x-3.2 with drupal 7.41


I am working on aegir2 system, in that default hostmaster configured is hostmaster-6.x-2.5 with drupal 3.36 and i need to upgrade hostmater to hostmaster-7.x-3.2 with drupal 7.41.
I am using drsh 6.6.0

I tried to using script upgrade method, but drupal version also not allow me to upgrade after it.
( http://community.aegirproject.org/upgrading/script/)

Can anyone guide me here how can i upgrade ?


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