How to export excel list of Product Pages from Drupal 6.37?


It would be really useful if I could export a list of product Pages into excel from a Drupal 6.37 site.

Is there some simple, built-in function to do this that doesn't require a bunch of coding or fiddling around in the back end?


Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 migration - How to find corresponding D7 module?

I am migrating an existing D6 site to D7. The D6 installed module list includes 102 enabled contrib modules (although the required modules are probably considerably less). Using the "Download & Extend" tool on, I began searching for corresponding D7 versions of the site's D6 enabled modules, but am having a difficult time making a 1:1 correspondence between the enabled D6 and available D7 modules based on deprecation, name changes, and inclusion in core.

Is there a better way to identify the available Drupal 7 contrib modules I may need in this upgrade? Thanks.

Make online shop from site on Drupal 6.25

Hi. I need someone who can help me to make online shop.
I don't need payment systems. Only Cart and button "Buy".

Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization - Free eBook today Dec 15, 2016

Hi folks,

I'd like to let you'll know that the eBook version of "Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization" by Ben Finklea is available for free today.
The eBook can be claimed here:

If you are looking to turn your Drupal 6 web site into a profit-generating machine with this practical, step-by-step guide that reveals the tips, modules, and best practices used by top Drupal SEO professionals, then this book is for you.

Ubercart product role assignment not generating bookmark for new products

Hi there,

We have been successfully using ubercart and the role assignment tool to deliver product specific roles to gain access to a download page. Basically the user places an order and then is given access to a bookmark page (my purchases).

Where does Drupal store each user's country information in the database?


I was asked to export information about the user accounts registered in our Drupal website. I was able to get most of the important information (Username, e-mail, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) by locating the appropriate tables in the database and exporting their content to CSV.

However, I was not able to find where the "Country" of each user is stored, no matter where I looked. Can anybody point me in the right direction?



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