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Do you have a showcase for the module "Article"

Drupal 6x users.

Do you have a site where you used the module "Article"? I am planning to use it but I am still not sure about it so I would like to see some examples of it.

If you have a showcase, please post the link here.

Many thanks in advance

Econova - an Environmental Blog is my personal blog on ecological innovation. I custom designed it based on the Zen starter theme, and it was my first Drupal-based project. It’s very simple—at this moment, its sole function is as a blogging platform.

I plan on covering innovative responses to climate change and sustainability issues.

Why Drupal 7? (I.e., why not Joomla or Wordpress?)
The key issue was expandability. I wanted a blog, first and foremost, but I also wanted something that could be more than a blog, should I choose to expand the website in the future. I had worked with both Joomla and Wordpress in the past, so I was aware of their qualities, but word on the street was that Drupal was massively scalable and expandable and moldable. I knew I could achieve my baseline requirements with Drupal, and possibly more.

New Rainforest Alliance Web Site using Drupal

In August 2010, Appnovation Technologies was chosen by Rainforest Alliance to re-create their website using Drupal, while keeping all existing content. Appnovation was chosen to develop the new site due to their successful development experience with other large NGOs like the World Wildlife Fund.

The Rainforest Alliance works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior. Based in New York City, with offices throughout the United States and worldwide, the Rainforest Alliance works with people whose livelihoods depend on the land, helping them transform the way they grow food, harvest wood and host travelers. From large multinational corporations to small, community-based cooperatives, we involve businesses and consumers worldwide in our efforts to bring responsibly produced goods and services to a global marketplace where the demand for sustainability is growing steadily.

Goals and Challenges

Dawson Arts on Drupal 7

Dawson Arts is a floating collective team of Ballet specialists who collaborate with famous British dance maker, David Dawson. Over the past decade Dawson's collective have created and performed their works at many top international venues.

About the website

The homepage features a slideshow and three equal sized dynamic Views blocks. The design choice has obvious implications and will not fit on all screen sizes. However, Dawson Arts aims to stand out and accepts the consequences. The website kind of looks like a Flash website, but it is not.

The closeup section provides a biography about choreographer David Dawson, interviews and acknowledgements. For custom the slider barwe choose to use a jQuery plugin jScrollBar. These interviews ('dialogues') are regular D7 pages.

The work section presents Performances, a separate content type with custom fields. We added an image field for the slides and a reviews longtext block. The Reviews (once they are available) are shown as a Views menu tab at /node/%/Reviews. A custom PHP block helps navigate the performances in the top right corner. The previous-next buttons are a custom PHP/MySQL script to query previous and next nodes.

WordPress site to Drupal 7 Convert Case Study

General Information

Project: Case Study for converting my WordPress blog to Drupal 7
Project by: Chad Kidner @ Expressions by Design
Objective: To rewrite a WordPress theme to a Drupal 7 Theme and transfer the WordPress site content to Drupal 7, while leaving good comments behind to assist anyone who might benefit.

First Drupal 7 Cycling website

My first drupal7 website. - Vancouver Cycling Forums

This site is totally FREE and allows members to post forum topics, events, news, classified ads and even schedule a bike ride for other members to join. We’re hoping to add bike, cycling product and bike shop reviews very soon.

It's still work in progress and we've not decided on a design just yet. Our main goal was to get some functionality in first. One of which is the Classifieds and the "Schedule a Bike Ride".


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