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Drupal 7 Mouseless Online Editor

I have just created a mouseless online editor for Drupal 7. It features single keystroke commands (no need for Ctrl/Shift/whatever) for all cursor moves, as well as for buffering, copying, and deleting text blocks, finding and replacing text strings, working with more than one file at a time, and recording and executing macros. There is a demo available here for those who would like to try it out, and there is no need to register and login.

Inputs to my site


I am looking for inputs to my Drupal site It is a site for a homeowner association, with 13 members, located in Denmark. Any ideas, suggestions etc?
Best regards

Any Drupal examples using donation system?

I'm curious to see examples of any Drupal sites that use any method of donation. Especially any system that allows you to donate to different areas/users.

Drupal 7 Dale Brendan Portfolio

My Drupal 7 portfolio can be viewed here. I still have a few sections I will add as time (and content) deem valuable. Constructive Criticism is always appreciated. ...or just bash me if you want. :) it won't hurt my feelings.

We're not as big as The Economist but we're on the right track with Drupal

The option to use Drupal was quite a thought out one, especially after spending close to a month reviewing 4 other CMS solutions.

Wordpress which has been our favorite for a while couldn't quite scale to the scope of the project, which led us to dig into various other CMS solutions. One particular vendor was charging an abnormal $12,000 for a solution that I realize is not even on the same platform as Drupal.

We were looking for a scalable CMS platform that is easy to use and flexible, not to forget have an active community in case we ran into obstacles and Drupal rose to the challenge. Our hunt first began in finalizing a decent theme that met our requirements and we later got into fixing the modules.

After close to three weeks of work we finally came up with this:


We needed a very specific news portal kind of look that combined not just content but also a directory and events, with a focus on ease of navigation and content presentation.


One of the best things of Drupal being that for every problem there is a module. We used the following:

CCK, CiviCRM, Invite, HTMLMail, Nodequeue, Captcha, Webform, XML Sitemap

First Interactive site on Indian temples runs on Drupal

Getting addicted to Drupal made the beginning. Having been a vivid admirer of Indian Temples, have decided to harness the potential of Drupal to present Indian Temples in a simple yet very informative and interactive way at

With Drupal 6 at the core and few contributed modules like cck, gmap etc., myself a medical doctor, alone could design and tune Drupal to produce is the first user updatable portal having a huge compilation of Indian Temple information by States, Districts, Regions, Rivers and Gods with detailed maps.

Although the idea of developing an user updatable interactive website on Indian Temples dates back to last decade, I never had the courage to start the same untill a few months ago. The resources at my disposal were just not sufficient to proceed. I needed support; that support came from my beloved friend in graduation Dr. Vamsi Krishna Lavu. This busy friend of mine spends his time looking after his establishments in Eastern Europe and India. But, he was always there reminding me the urgency to complete this divine work. Not just the encouragenet, he infact financed all the initial costs to host this information. To sum up, without Vamsi's help this idea would have died like many ideas which can not proceed beyond domain registration.


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