Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section. woman's journal woman's journal in Russian женский журнал
any comments are welcome

Architecture profolio of a French Guyana architect www.ara-architecture


I am proud to annonce the release of a new site of a French Guyana Architect

This simple profolio site showcase the architectural works of this french architecture company.

I've used the Galleria module for the project galeries, dhmtl menu for the main navigation
I've customized the contact form and lot's of other things in order to acheive I hope an elegant effect.

Comments enjoyed.

Thank you to the Drupal community

I completed and published my first Drupal site today. I've used several CMS frameworks, and decided to start learning Drupal a few months ago to deal with more complex web applications. Given the complexity of what is possible with Drupal, I was expecting a massive learning curve and lots of frustration. Instead, it has been a pleasure to learn and work with, and has continually surprised me with elegant solutions and methods of working. I am so used to hacking code, that Drupal's smart handling of customisation was a complete shock!

I posted almost nothing on the forums, because the answers were already there. All I had to do was look them up. I wanted to just say thanks to everyone who posts both problems and solutions. At 11pm it is nice to know you are not the first person to be having this problem, or the first person who didn't see the simple solution right in front of your nose. The responses to newbie-type questions were polite and kind, not something one sees with every community.

As a newcomer, this is my perspective of why Drupal is the best CMS.

  • local.css - WHAT a brilliant idea!
  • sub-themes - ingenious
  • installation profiles - while they have their issues I would never have been able to set up a shopping cart from scratch without the guidance this offered

HGA on Drupal

HGA is an integrated architecture, engineering and planning firm who helps prepare their clients for the future. HGA works with an incredible cross-section of high-profile clients and focuses on collaboration, aesthetic achievement and client service to create responsive, innovative and sustainable designs.

HGA needed a new website to showcase their people, process and work with an overall goal of creating a competitive advantage for HGA. Aside from looking great and being easy-to-use, it was essential that the new site could function on a variety of devices (mobile, iPad, web, etc.) and easy to update.

Gorton Studios worked with HGA staff to plan, design, and build a powerful, elegant Drupal site. The site uses jQuery transitions to move from page to page and includes a menu-driven autofill filter to find areas of specific interest for potential clients (e.g. allowing a user to start typing 'sustainable design' to have that term autofill and then get to those case studies. - Educational and social networking site on Drupal 6 is a website developed by the Independent Adoption Center (IAC) that addresses the issues birth parents face when considering open adoption for their child. The site provides a social network for birth mothers, on-line counseling support, parent profiles, as well as stories, photos, and videos contributed by IAC birth parents. The site was developed in house using Drupal 6, and was made possible by a grant from the Albert & Elaine Borchard Foundation.

BlueFrost Drupal 7 Theme

Just finished my first attempt to theme Drupal 7 theme. Please give me some feed back about the theme :).

theme url :


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