Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section. Cloud Business Platform

Sniget is a free business platform to perform your daily tasks. It can let you display contents and manage your business through cloud based apps in one platform. Sniget enables users to communicate, collaborate, and manage more easily and efficiently than ever before. Instead of registering and paying to many different websites to use multiple software and web tools, you can register at Sniget to get all your needs without costing you money.
Let's say you are working on a new project which needs an online management tool and you also want to do market research for that project by doing survey. So you'll need to register at two different website to perform both tasks. But with Sniget, you can simply go to Apps page and add project managing app & Survey app to perform both tasks. You don't need to download or install any software. As long as you have an access to Internet, you can enjoy the freedom of Sniget web based apps.


  • Company-Group like interface where users can become member and instantly they can collaborate, transfer files, post resources, broadcast to member. It can be set up to be open or private, visible or hidden.
  • Directory-Make your business search-able by anyone
  • Crowdfunding(coming soon)- have an idea but need funding to make it happen, then crowdfund it on Sniget

    Finally, the new version of, with design by clearleft. Let us know what you think (but be gentle...)

    Drupal swimming pool info site

    I had this website set up, then I have created all of the content. what do u think?

    My new Web Portfolio

    Hey everyone,

    I just finished my second website in Drupal, it is my new web portfolio!

    The previous version to this was in just normal html/css, but this one uses the Drupal CMS :D

    The url to it is

    The modules I used were as follows:


    Take a look and tell me what you think!

    New woodturning site

    Hi All

    Just built my first Drupal 6 site on woodturning, busy working with Drupal 7 but waiting for some of the modules to be updated. Website address please comment good or bad.



    My drupal 6 site, what do you think!


    I have build a site from a background image which was provided to my boss then to me from a "neuromarketing site designer" who never worked with cms. Pretty much in simple words I was given a background image and I build a site around it.

    The main limits of the site was that it has limited amount of content space, to which the only solution around was to use lightbox, colorbox... etc... which ever one worked.

    Tell me what you think about it. Are there things that you like/dont like, would like to change improove.


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