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My drupal 7 site.
How does it look? Is it good? in drupal 6 | Five Dimensions, Web Design Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Soka Gakkai International Gulf (SGI Gulf) is a Non-profit organization committed to creating value in the areas of “Peace” through the medium of Education, Environment & Youth Welfare. The core activity of the organization is to impart public information in the field of education, culture, peace and humanitarian relief. Five Dimensions ( , Dubai based Web Design company designed their site in Drupal 6.

Development Time : 4 Weeks

Blaine's Pub (Texas)

Blaine's Pub is a bar with a legacy of discovering many of the Texas Country Music performers in the country. Pat Green, Wade Bowen, Brandon Rhyder, Cross Canadian Ragweed, and Randy Rogers all started their careers touring to places like Blaine's. The Bar's founder, the late Blaine Martin often said, "Whether you're on the way up, or coming back down, you'll probably play at Blaine's."

My first site

This is my first site that I created using drupal 6. Drupal is truly amazing. Nothing really special about this site but for my first one I think it turned out very good considering I know very little code.
Denver Roofing Company

Curing Cancer Music Fest (Texas)

This is a Drupal 7 project to promote a music festival in Ballinger, Texas where all of the proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society.

Views 3
Media: YouTube
Genesis base theme

The layout incorporates a variety of layered CSS styles to promote pink-to-purple. Pink ribbons are generally used to promote cancer awareness. Purple ribbons usually designate cancer survivors.

Cienaga Creek Ranch in Big Bear California

This Drupal 5 website is badly in need of a redesign. The client is on a limited budget as the tourism industry isn't exactly booming in California right now. I am looking for some opinions from the Drupal community on how this websites theme can be improved without having to charge a large number of billable hours to the client. Let me know your opinions of the sites current state and if you have any ideas that could help give the site a newer and fresher look or any other kind of feedback you may have about the website. Thanks.


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