Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Cast Affair - a Global Model Search Network

Cast Affair Home Page screenshotCast Affair is a private and secure website that enables interactions between the world’s most prestigious agencies and the vast potential talent seeking opportunities in the fashion and entertainment industries in 20 major markets globally.

Art of Movement and Drupal -

Parkour Generations represents the largest collective of the most experienced professional practitioners of the stunning movement discipline known as Parkour or Freerunning that the world has to offer. Working around the world for over a decade, the founding members of Parkour Generations came together to create a vehicle to transmit the incredibly strong benefits and positive effects of this amazing art form.

Notetaking online

I've created a site for writing online. You can take notes and share them with others. The site is just starting out, and I am confusing how to let more people know the site and use it. What are the good way to promote my site? Really appreciate any suggestions.

Resources and solutions to common Drupal Problems!

I initially started this site as a personal assistant to all my Drupal needs. I constantly found myself Googling common problems I repeatedly ran into. So I started a small personal blog to assist me in avoiding rummaging through Google search results when looking for solutions to problems I consistently ran into. I thought it only common courtesy to release this info to the public, since everybody in the Drupal community is very generous with their great knowledge in Drupaldom.

Drupal for my online portfolio!
This is my online portfolio site, built with Drupal ( I also have some more Drupal works there). My accomplishment on this project is to keep things simple; easy to find; easy to navigate; one page overview for all works; and compelling design.

Thank to Drupal community, and your comments/advices you may have.


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