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Gothicname Generator

Hi everybody!

I just finished a Gothicnamegenerator based on Drupal 6.

I use:
Computed Field
Custommodule for namegeneration.

Have a look on it.

Suggestions are welcome.

Ubercart and Views powered website:

We've recently launched (in Russian), Ubercart powered shop for greeting cards manufacturer.
That was an interesting project, and I would like to share the story of the project with the community.

Website screenshot:


The main website goal was to create a beautiful modern website where it's convenient for customers to quickly buy hundreds of different products (greeting cards) in 2-3 mouse clicks. The typical visitor of the website is greeting cards reseller.

Views vs Catalog

At the very beginning we've moved from native Ubercart catalog to views powered catalog to take advantage of exposed filters for quick product search form. That was a no-brainer, as views provides much more flexible theming and a lot of crucial features.

The problem of multibuy interface was solved with uc_multibuy + some modifications to views template files to make it work with views:

jQuery magic

The views powered exposed search was improved by adding some jquery and ajax magic - we've added 'live' search results count calculation at the moment when customer clicks some search checkbox or changes selectbox state:

Customers can use "+" and "-" buttons to change the amount of products that will be added to cart.

Astrology Site with Converted Theme

What is your opinion? Is it ok ? I'm open minded.

A new web design agency website

Hi all - Spent a while theming this one, shows what can be done with Jquiery and a bit a patience! Drupal is the most comprehensive web solution I have ever used... hope you get a chance to check it out!

Jeffrey Dalton Design goes Drupal 7

Just sharing a quick redesign in D7 with the community.

Site is short and simple but I am loving working with D7 theme layer. Many thanks to the Drupal gods.


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