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Enterprise Booking Platform built with Drupal 7



About Eurocentres – Language Learning Worldwide

Eurocentres is one of the leading organizations within the language travel industry. Eurocentres is an international company with schools located on four continents and students coming from over 120 countries. Currently, Eurocentres teaches eight languages at 30 schools.

Thanks to a worldwide network of educational agents and own enrollment offices, Eurocentres welcomes over 13 000 students every year at its schools in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Japan.

New Drupal/Ubercart t-shirt store

Hi everyone, I recently launched my online store at I'm using Drupal 6 with Ubercart and used Acquia Prosper as my base theme. Check it out and let me know what you think!

We recently design and developed our t-shirt line called The-Rec and that is what we are selling on there now. We have other projects in the works, but the site is quite basic for now, until we can expand upon it.

A large scale tents company using drupal

Here is my drupal site that is a large scale tents supplying company based in UAE.

Suggestions and comments are extremely appreciated. Easter Egg for April 1st thanks to Konamicode module!

Check out the Easter egg we setup on for April 1st. It's nothing revolutionary or new but I'm just glad government can have a sense of humor.

Thanks to Rob Loach and other contributers on the Konamicode module ( which made this possible and super simple for us.


Just Good Wine & Drupal

When we first decided to launch Just Good Wine website @, the question was not whether we would use drupal, rather whether we could, in-house, given it's complexity when compared to other CMS out there.

And what a phenomenal CMS system drupal has turned out to be. Coupled with Ubercart, it is, in our opinion, the best e-commerce platform there is. I'll be honest though, it is not for the faint hearted. For instance, not long ago, as we were posting a blog and kept hitting preview, the database got corrupted (problems with tables), and the whole thing crashed. Fortunately, we were able to salvage it, but man what a scare!

Placing Twitter icon in primary menu was another headache, which, after lots of reading and research, we were able to resolve following these instructions of Chris Shattuck.

After launch, and over a thousand visitors, we decided to implement a dynamic display block in the front page, with panels and views. Again, ddblock installation and implementation wasn't as straight forward as we would have thought, but with a few css edits we manage a final product that looks fantastic and has improved our visit-to-sale ratio.


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