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A sponsor site for Quad-cross driver

Just wanted to share a small site I just handed over to the user ... he will be maintaining the content...
The site is done with Drupal 8 with a very small installation using ZEN theme, Colorbox for galleries.

I will add a guestbook too but have not found in for Drupal 8 yet.
The boy wanted the head as big as it is - I hope I get the chance to make it smaller later on when he is more use to it as I think it is a but too big for the site, but I hope you have a big screen :-9


[mp3sa-front.png] a website developed by WebBuilders, addresses the lack of access to quality digital content in the local (South Africa) market. The site promotes local digital music resources and retails iTunes gift cards. There are articles about the South African & International music industry and soon there will also be reviews on iOS apps.

The site was developed using Drupal 6, due to the Commerce project on 7 not yet supporting "product key".

Online Store:

The online store uses Ubercart to run the daily activities within the store. The need to assign voucher numbers to a product is the main requirement which Ubercart achieves through an add-on module "Ubercart Product Keys". This module sends the product keys off to the buyer, updates the database and ensures that everything is in sync and that we don't send out duplicate keys.



Nerd Business - a blog for nerds

Today I re-launched my blog with a fresh new design running on Drupal 7. Of course, I wanted to invite other Drupalers to come check it out:

Your critiques are appreciated!

I made the new design - and the theme development was done by my friend ivansf (of whom, I would highly recommend if you're looking to get your own Drupal 7 site up and running). - a sweet little Drupal + Ubercart online shop is an online shopping store in Australia - that I just launched the yesterday - that sells a variety of gifts, homewares, decor, collectables and other knick knacks.

My family runs a traditional "brick and mortar" store at our local shopping centre and we've been selling stuff for over 30 years, from the early days in market stalls around Australia, to our current niche store in Queensland. Recently, we were looking for a way to expand our shop online and at first that meant selling a few things on eBay. But we always wanted to have our own website that allowed us to customise the way we relate to our customers.

I started looking into different hosted cart services, and when I wasn't happy with those (for the same reason we weren't happy with eBay - they were very restrictive) I started looking at other off-the-shelf cart software (insert all the usual names here), but quite frankly I just got sick of looking at multiple variations of fairly identical software packages that told me how I had to set up my online shopping site and how it would run and what it would essentially look like.

Drupal + Ubercart: Hooray!

Open Domain Name Dictionary Project is a Open Domain Name Dictionary Project (ODNDP) which is base on drupal 6 that allow anonymous user to share their domain name(website) what is all about. With simple of views (dictionary view) ODNDP focusing in collecting website's domain name and share it to others.

Without registration, anonymous user can submit for FREE and share a brief information about their website.

Gothicname Generator

Hi everybody!

I just finished a Gothicnamegenerator based on Drupal 6.

I use:
Computed Field
Custommodule for namegeneration.

Have a look on it.

Suggestions are welcome.


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