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Syrian Tenders using Drupal

Syrian Tenders | مناقصات سوريا ( is using Drupal.

Vector Ltd launches new customer focused website -

Three of our websites, Vector corporate, gas and electricity, have been integrated into one customer-centric and easy to navigate site using Drupal.


DP Bestflow: The Definitive Online Guide to Digital Photography

dpbestflow.orgAfter a highly successful Drupal deployment for the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) national website, the ASMP decided to again use Drupal for their next project: Digital Photography Best Practices and Workflow, or dpBestflow for short. DP Bestflow is a Library of Congress-funded initiative to provide an all-encompassing resource for digital photography best practices.

The ASMP once again teamed up with Chicago's Grillo Group for graphic design, and Philadelphia-based web development firm Context to perform the Drupal implementation. The most impressive part of the site, however, is the immense amount of rich, useful content, the majority of which is the handiwork of digital photography gurus Richard Anderson (author of Digital Photography Best Practices and Workflow) and Peter Krogh (author of The DAM Book: Digital Asset Management for Photographers).

Mattel Videos how's it been done?

Hi there

I'm considering using drupal for the first time on a website that will be video heavy. i have just seen the Mattel videos showcase and their Video page is fantatstic.

I was wondering if anyone knows how they achieved this look? Unfortunately there are no details in the Showcase. Has it be done with a Drupal module or have they done it themselves?

Thanks for any insight!

First Drupal site for our company


Our first site created in Drupal is and is intended for a UK audience.

I've found creating a site in Drupal so much easier than my alternative at work, SharePoint.

I would say that one of the things that "stuck out" was the incredibly small amount of code I had to write; there are two custom modules, one to handle the validation of the batch number to check if patients are really patients and another that is a bit of a cribbing exercise from the Pirate Filter to look out for brandnames in text and make sure they are emboldened (our house style). In all, about a dozen or so lines.

The template is based on Zen which helped a lot. The Views module and various plugins have been used to get the effects I wanted and I've found it to be very flexible.

Of course, I'm learning all the time and the things I would do differently are...

  • Make only one content type and use taxonomy more to divide content between public, patients and professionals;
  • Use many, many more pictures - I guess if we had the time we would reduce the "lists" around everywhere and use picture libraries to make navigation a little more exciting;
  • Learn more about the XML Sitemap module and how to use it better.

Hope that is useful.


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