Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section. – A portal focused on Berlin, developed using Drupal. is a social network focused on Berlin. is for all Berliners and all other citizens of the world who are mad for Berlin or are eager to become so. On, users are able to add new content or comment and rate other people's contributions. They can make new friends, upload pictures, send messages, subscribe to interesting topics or just stroll around the vast amount of existing bits and pieces regarding Berlin on the site. The most important things going on in a user's network are presented in a newsfeed.

The users are backed up by an editorial department that is checking, finalizing and publishing all public contributions. was developed by the long-established company BerlinOnline that runs (among other portals), the official website of Germany’s capital, Berlin. Involved in the development of were (among others) Drupal community members fl3a and ambo.

The core technical bae of is built on Drupal 6 using many additional modules. These include the obligatory CCK, Views, ImageCache, Pathauto and Rules.

ChSS: delivering building materials in Sochi, Russia

Project URL:
Modules: CCK, Imagecache, IMCE Wysiwyg API bridge, Views, Image Fupload, Shadowbox, Token actions, Token starter, Webform.
Custom modules: none.
Terms: 1 month.

The Gentleman's Drink

Hey Everyone!

I am finally 'proud' enough of this site to post it on the drupal showcase. It's built on drupal 6.x using the Zen theme as a base. It's pretty standard, although for this site I tried to use as few additional modules as possible (mainly just views, cck, image/image assist, and a couple others). The theme still needs a little work, but in general I am happy with it.

Glam announces two more verticals, Glam Live‘s real time search and forms Advisory Board

LeWeb, Paris, France, December 3rd, 2009: Glam One, owner of the “glam” brand in France and developer of France’s first vertical media platform is announcing the launch of two more verticals, and, for music and sport’s independent professionals. In addition, Glam is announcing the release and integration of Glam Live’s real time search capability through its partnership with Collecta.

Pinnakl Web Services

Hello Everyone,

I recently launched my Drupal website at which provides an overview of our services. It also links you to several other websites I have programmed using the Drupal platform. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback about this site or any of the sites in our portfolio.


Indie Rock Lyrics ( my 1st drupal site

Hi everyone, I just made my site Indie Rock Lyrics live ( It would be great if you could check it out and let me know what you think. This was pretty much the first website I've made (excluding a terrible FrontPage experiment a while back). I didn't even know what Drupal was before August!

The site is pretty basic at the moment but I plan on adding more features as I increase my Drupal skills. Mainly by using panels and utilizing images in a better way to create a more dynamic homepage.

Before building the site I did a ton of reading and found a lot of other people who were trying to build a lyrics site. In terms of site structure, this is what I ended up doing:

For the top A-Z menu, each letter is a content type 'Letter.' Each Letter is the parent of an Artist whose first letter begins with that letter (ie 'N' is the parent of Nirvana, 'D' is the parent of Daft Punk). The page for each Letter contains a view 'display children as list', in order to display the full artist list for that letter.

I have three additional content types - Artist, Album, Song. I used node reference and the nodereferrer module to display the artist, album, song fields on their respective nodes. Lastly I used IMCE for images.

The homepage is mainly html with tables, along with a simple view or two.


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