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Indie Rock Lyrics ( my 1st drupal site

Hi everyone, I just made my site Indie Rock Lyrics live ( It would be great if you could check it out and let me know what you think. This was pretty much the first website I've made (excluding a terrible FrontPage experiment a while back). I didn't even know what Drupal was before August!

The site is pretty basic at the moment but I plan on adding more features as I increase my Drupal skills. Mainly by using panels and utilizing images in a better way to create a more dynamic homepage.

Before building the site I did a ton of reading and found a lot of other people who were trying to build a lyrics site. In terms of site structure, this is what I ended up doing:

For the top A-Z menu, each letter is a content type 'Letter.' Each Letter is the parent of an Artist whose first letter begins with that letter (ie 'N' is the parent of Nirvana, 'D' is the parent of Daft Punk). The page for each Letter contains a view 'display children as list', in order to display the full artist list for that letter.

I have three additional content types - Artist, Album, Song. I used node reference and the nodereferrer module to display the artist, album, song fields on their respective nodes. Lastly I used IMCE for images.

The homepage is mainly html with tables, along with a simple view or two. new social network site based on Drupal 6.x

Hi all. I want to announce a new social network site based on Drupal: (

For the moment the only language avaible is Italian, but we are working on this.



PS: if someone want a similar (social network) site or a professional Drupal site, contact me ad Drupal Web Development Firm in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

five dimensions is web design and development firm based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. we built our site company website in Drupal 6 (

Here are the important contrib modules we have used.
CCK, Views, Context, Drush, SEO Checklist, Admin, Image Cache, Pathauto, Shadowbox, Webform, Google Analytics, YUI and YUI Editor.

We used 'ninesixty' as our base theme for theming. Zero % custom code. Git used for version control and deployment.

I would like to hear your feedback!

DARPA Network Challenge Team DeciNena Hunts Balloons with Drupal

To quickly build a sophisticated community site to compete in the DARPA Network Challenge

Team DeciNena chose Drupal 6 running on Virtualized Linux.

New Site up and runnig, ty Drupal

Before I picked up Drupal, I didnt know how easy it can be to get a site up and running, After a few weeks of tweaking, finally got my project done
Check it out if you are into sports.

Oriflame Cosmetics site built with Drupal for training

Only local images are allowed.The Oriflame Cosmetics, Beauty and Business is a new site for training consultants cosmetics in Russia. There are lessons of beauty and makeup lessons with photos. The site was launched in early November 2009.

Site designed personally by me (VladoMire).


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