Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

SENIORO - a private community website for german seniors

Intention of the Website

The Website SENIORO - Das Senioren Netzwerk is a private project and a try to build a community for "best agers". It started very personal with the idea of my mother, when she asked for a website to meet and talk to her her friends. She knew already a couple of german sites for seniors, but she wasn´t to happy with them.

Because of working with drupal right now for more than a year, i told her to build a site, where she and her friends could act like on other existing Web 2.0 Sites in the Internet. All important things for communities could be integrated with the great number of available modules.

Offer of the Website

The SENIORO Users have a big Forum ( german: Senioren Forum ) based on the Core Module Forum and the Advanced Forum.
They can create their Groups ( german: Senioren Interessengruppen ) based on ORGANIC GROUPS.
Blogging is possible with the Core Module Blog
And what they love to do is chatting ( german: Chat für Senioren ) ... builded with the PHPFREECHAT Module.

Quality of Life Nepal & Red Panda Guesthouse

Quality of Life Nepal (QOLN) - - is a non-governmental, non-political but social organisation without profit motive, founded in 2000.
Looking for a CMS didn't take too long. I ended up having to choose between Joomla and Drupal, and ended up using Drupal for it's flexibility.

The interface in version 6 allows me to have several roles, each with their permissions. All the functionality I needed exists in modules, which are easily installed and maintained.

Website feedback...

Hi everyone!

I've spent some time getting to know Drupal, and managed to put together a site...
It isn't something I've built from scratch, I've altered a theme whilst learning the system...

I am however likely to customise it completely over time to really make it mine...

Now I run, or try to run an I.T Support business and I'm looking to make the site as user friendly as possible... Search Engine friendly etc...

The site is...

Thank you all...

Dear Druplers,

1. I want to invite you to visit my new Drupal website:

2. I want to thank you all - I am not a programmer but still I was able to build the website I wanted by relying on the wonderful modules and the wonderful people with the good will that shared and posted workarounds and bug solutions that allowed me to easily solve problems and misunderstandings.

I just couldn't do it with out you.

Thank you all!!!

Lookforge free classifieds website

Lookforge - classifieds made simple was developed using Drupal 6 and is a free classifieds website for US, Canada, Australia, UK and New Zealand.

The aim was to create a website that had a simple look and feel and wasn't too overloaded with features. The basic ability to be able to signup quickly and then start posting ads is what makes it easy for people to use.

Just about no custom development was needed with the implementation of contributed Drupal modules and some code snippets within CCK fields.

James Cameron's 'Avatar' film fan community

Just for the fun of it, I built a fan community for James Cameron's 'Avatar' (to hit cinema's on December 18th). I think the film is going to be epic, and anyway, I'm really into this kind of alien world films.

Check it out:

Built on Drupal 6, it uses over a hundred extension modules. Besides regular CCK and View, I'm using the admin module with Rubik 2.0 theme (only for administration), because I like the clarity it brings to Drupal's backend.

To organise content, I rely on Panels 3. A powerful tool if combined with custom blocks and views: I've also integrated perfectly with phpBB3 message board (login sync) Check out phpbbforum

I wanted the site to show off cool new videos. So I chose the Embedded Field modules for video and such. The player is from Longtailvideo / Jeroen Wijering.


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