Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section. - A music community/database


It's a music community that has forums for each artists, and places for album reviews, and song lyrics interpretation. It's a user-contributed music database. It also has a lot of social networking aspects, like buddy lists, profiles, badges, and points.

Modules used: Almost too many to name. The ones that come to mind:
CCK, Fivestar, Facebook Statuses, Activity, Advanced Profile Kit.

Whalesong - New launch


Check out We launched it a couple of days ago. The website is based on Drupal 5.x with the following modules: CCK, E-Commerce, ImageCache, Menu Trails, Poormanscron, ReTease, Teaser by Content Type, Thickbox, Views.

Mr. Cranky, Wiki Weight Watcher, and Tennis BragDrag

A little behind, but I just wanted to post a couple of site I recently completed with Drupal. I started using Drupal last summer, and have been hooked ever since! When developing a new site, I now try to fit the project into the framework so it will work well with Drupal, which might not be the healthiest thing to do. Oh well, I'm having fun.

Here's a few sites. I'm also currently working on an Ubercart site that I will post here when it goes live.

The New York State Senate

After winning control of the New York State Senate for the first time in almost 50 years, the Democratic party turned to Advomatic to quickly deploy a new website powered by Drupal. There were many challenges to be overcome, and their requirements pushed the envelope in some areas such as permissions and work flow. In the end, this site stands as a testament to what can be accomplished by a focused and experienced development team using the power and flexibility offered by Drupal and its community.

Career Guidance website launched.

On the 1'st of May 2009 opened its doors to the public.

DaVanTi Life offers:

  • Career Assessments
  • Over 1000 Career Fields at your disposal
  • Roadmap to map out your career
  • Information on tertiary institutions all over the world
  • Information on bursaries, scholarships & student loans
  • Life Style planning
  • Interviews with professionals in Industry
  • Newsfeeds on relevant careers, education, jobs and so much more

The information is only a click away!

Visit to Unlock Unlimited Possibilities

KOALA Foundation Charity website - Includes modules used.

KOALA Foundation
Formed in 1992 as the Kids Oncology and Leukemia Action group, KOALA Foundation is run by parents and carers of children who are being, or have been treated for cancer.

Michael Burrows -

Client Requirements
The existing KOALA foundation website was a basic static HTML site updated on an infrequent basis. The clients main requirements for the new site were a simple news publishing system as well as an image gallery, pdf downloads & video content all of which they could update themselves.


Modules Used

  • CCK & Views - Using the sitemap as a guide all content types were constructed and then the pages created using views.
  • FCKeditor - A stripped back version of FCKeditor was used to allow the client to insert lists, bold, italic & underlined text aswell as heading formatting.
  • Custom Breadcrumbs - Used to improve on drupals basic breadcrumbs.
  • FileField - Required for the uploading of pdf's & also for uploading flv's used in video content.
  • ImageField - Adds image upload CCK field.


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