Christian Zest is launching this week as a christian based social network and dating site. I built this site for a friend of mine who was interested in getting involved in the web. We talked and I advised him to do something he was interest in and knows a lot about. His answer was simple, a christian dating or social site.
He chose this because of his background in religion and his new found facebook infatuation. Who isn't addicted to one of the big networks right.
Okay, although some of the features aren't 100% the site is definitely fully functional. I felt like it was time to get it going. Some of the features I chose to use are the standard forum and blogs. Plenty good for this type of site. I am going to use the normal image gallery but will also be adding individual galleries for users.
I went with content profile to add a little more functionality with the users profiles (cck, imagefield, thickbox with image cache for adjusting pictures and thumbnails.
Im using Panels and views for the front page and will eventually use a panel for the user accounts page. The two headings on the front page (things you can do, and things to come) are node queues that the admins can pull page titles that they felt fit into.