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Elemental Safety

Here is the latest site I just completed:

I'm using the jquery slideshow for the rotating images on the home page and jquery eye candy for the page shadow and the rounded corners on the footer. The rounded corners on the header are an image because for whatever reason the jquery effect didn't work in IE.

Nothing terribly exciting as far as custom modules or template tricks, but overall, I'm pleased with the design of it. a comprehensive TV Guide for the arab world

Hi there,

I'm posting my website as a showcase for Drupal and i'm also looking for help regarding performance. As i'm little bit disappointed of Drupal.

ShooFeeTV is a content provider and aggregator of Arab satellite channel listings. In addition to centralizing the times and channels for more than 120 channels on ArabSat and NileSat, the original content includes programming and who's who information, video clips, photographs and celebrity news.

ShooFeeTV's vision is to create an entertainment hub accessible across the Arab world and beyond. Plans are underway to include a free-to-air satellite television channel, mobile phone services, podcasts and content syndication through third-party feeds to the electronic and printed media.

The multi-media platforms suit the expansive site, one that is also supported by a database of entertainment information. With 100,000 entries already and increasing every day, users can search for their favorite films, actors and other trivia with a click of the mouse.

Users will also have the chance to express their opinions by rating and reviewing their favorite shows and movies.
The most popular will be highlighted on the home page.
In short, ShooFeeTV will revolutionize the way the Arab world sees television.

School site SCOST.ORG

I first downloaded Drupal a week ago. LOVE IT!
Here's the site I have set up; it's basically ready to be turned over to the school to add content. I had a tough time with getting the menus and breadcrumbs working the way I like them so instead, I used secondary menu for everything. Works very well. If anybody has any questions, let me know.


Immigration consultants website - Case Study

Dear All,

I am so happy to announce that with the help of all of you, I was able to complete this website.

The site is complete with the layout and all the required functionality and has been launched.


We are providing immigration consultancy services to various clients world-wide. Currently it is all being done MANUALLY or through emails. The process is simple, receive CV's, get initial assessment, inform clients about updates, ask them to make fee payments at various stages and commission.

First of all, we were short on budget, have very limited or almost no technical team on board except myself with LITTLE BIT know how of DRUPAL.

We wanted to increase our client base and to do this we required a content management system to provide necessary information & services with ease of a click.

Since I was convinced about Drupal and its expandability through my research and some other incomplete site (Blog/Forum related). We need to customize a comprehensive and simple to use Drupal site:

The requirements were as follows:

  1. People contact us and we tell them to visit our site to get detailed information on services that we provide

Full Flex based interface with Drupal

We recently designed and helped launch a Food and Spirits Recipe site for one of our client. The site consists of four main sections dealing with food and spirits, and overall the site contains information on mixing and matching food with spirits with an extensive list of cocktails.

A visually impressive graphical look-and-feel was desired for the site (preferably in flash) along with the facility to easily update the site.

Drupal help us cutting cost and successfully build a Knowledge Sharing website!

Our team firstly used Drupal six months before, now we all feel so lucky for our selection!

The idea of comes from the common requirement:

Everyday, there are many new questions posted to internate but few of them will be answered, because the persons who know the answer may not browse this question

Then, we analysis some famous QA websites and think all of them didnot resolve above problem, why not build a website with a totally new modal?

  • We build a simple Knowledge Sharing website contain basic functions such as: ask question, answer, reply, send notification etc
  • Provide a PC client to collect the user's browse behavior for Internat, then automatically push the question matched with this user to him

Before we start to build with Drupal, we try to outsource whole website and PC client software to some software companies, we invest time, money and human resource, but had to give up eventually because what they give is not we want.

Occassionally, we found Drupal can realize what we want: we just need a QA website, as simple as possible.

The progress goes fast and smoothly which make us surprised, here are how we did it:

  • Installed Drupal 6 on Linux server
  • Install a couple of common modules such as notification, message, XML site map etc


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