Our team firstly used Drupal six months before, now we all feel so lucky for our selection!
The idea of http://iclew.org comes from the common requirement:
Everyday, there are many new questions posted to internate but few of them will be answered, because the persons who know the answer may not browse this question
Then, we analysis some famous QA websites and think all of them didnot resolve above problem, why not build a website with a totally new modal?
- We build a simple Knowledge Sharing website contain basic functions such as: ask question, answer, reply, send notification etc
- Provide a PC client to collect the user's browse behavior for Internat, then automatically push the question matched with this user to him
Before we start to build http://iclew.org with Drupal, we try to outsource whole website and PC client software to some software companies, we invest time, money and human resource, but had to give up eventually because what they give is not we want.
Occassionally, we found Drupal can realize what we want: we just need a QA website, as simple as possible.
The progress goes fast and smoothly which make us surprised, here are how we did it:
- Installed Drupal 6 on Linux server
- Install a couple of common modules such as notification, message, XML site map etc