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Anche per questo sito (credo l'ultimo) mi sono avvalso di Drupal 5 (dal prossimo utilizzerò il 6).

Questa è una importante società di organizzazione eventi e non solo, in Italia.

Come moduli ho utilizzato:

- Views 1
- Active Tempalte Views
- Content template
- Imagecache
- Imagefield (CCK)
- Filefield (CCK)
- Date (CCK)
- Nice Menus
- l18n
- flir


Sito per l'associazione nazionale AssoLowcost.

Il sito è completamente realizzato mediante Drupal 5 ed ho utilizzato in modo piu o meno profondo diversi moduli:

- Views 1
- Cotnent Tempalte
- Active Template Views
- Faceted Search
- Panels 2
- Flashvideo (per l'inserimento, con relativa codifica, dei video da parte dell'utente)
- Audio
- Link
- Filefield (per cck)
- l18n per la multilingua
- Imagecache
- Imagefield

Nuovo Casino di Campione

Il sito è realizzato completamente mediante Drupal 5.

Nel sito c'è un utilizzo abbastanza profondo delle views per visualizzare gli eventi, le news, gli spettacoli ecc.ecc.

Per le fotogallery ho usato come effetto Thickbox, mentre per temizzare i vari contenuti un misto di "Content Template" e "Active Views".

Lista dei moduli usati:

- Views 1
- Content Template
- Thickbox
- Nice menus
- DHTML Menu
- Date (CCK)
- Filefield (CCK)
- Webform
- Imagecache
- Imagefield
- Advertising


No City In The World just soft-launched this week. This is a freebie site for a friend of mine who wanted to document the music and bands that have come out of Reno Nevada since the early 1970s.

What's with the name? You must have seen photos of the Reno Arch before (Which says "RENO.. The Biggest Little City In The World").. if you're not from Reno you may not know that there is another arch on Lake street that had a funny mishap. Half the sign went dark one night and we were left with "NO.. City In The World" :) I've animated the header to have a feeble neon effect every 40 seconds or so.

Aside from posting articles the site will sell special re/un-released vinyl, as he gets more bands to allow him to do so- also will be selling digital download music for stuff he can get the permissions for (these are all small or non-existent labels anymore). I just gave him the keys to the site yesterday, so lots of real content will start filling up the site soon I hope.

I've been wanting to make a parallax effect site for ages and this site ended up being the one to get the works. A few huge PNG layers plus jParallax.js provide the header effects you see up top.

Capped two column frontpage made possible by Panels module and some custom Views panes/pages.

Site is using:

  • Drupal 6.13

Learning Management System on Solaris OS – A Case Study Pathways

Pathways offers self-paced, user-friendly courses in Jewish practice and thought. These courses differ from textbook learning as they leverage the power of the Internet with dozens of multi-media features like instructional videos, interactive online testing, and an automated glossary.

With over 270,000 subscribers and 2.6 million visitors monthly, Aish is one of the largest Judaism websites. Aish selected Powerful CMS to migrate their custom developed Microsoft application to Drupal. Aish wanted to leverage Open Source to control software costs, use a popular CMS so that it would be easy to find developers and host on a Unix based platform to leverage cloud hosting environments, not be tied to any single vendor and a fast turnaround.

David LeVine provided the source Learning Management System in Microsoft ASP Pathways, with Ronie Halibard as project overseer. Joe Matthew served as the project coordinator from Powerful CMS with Sergei Stryukov as the lead software architect, Zdislav Lavnichek, Alfren Enriquez and Mel Bernardino as core developers.

This is not my site but I think its running drupal.

Check out Does anybody know how to search for sites created with Drupal? I found this one by searching for the phrase "Enter the password that accompanies your username."


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